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At Diwakars, everyone had dinner and retreated to their respective rooms. It was late night, nearly midnight and Armaan laid on his bed with just trouser on him. His bare chest shined as the moon light fell on him. He held the earring that he found in his car and had his gaze fixed on it as he thought of the girl.

The first time they both bumped into eachother in the airport, her hairs tied into a messy bun.

Her closed eyes.

Those eyelashes.

Her grip on him.

Her lips parted and breathing heavily.

When she opened her eyes, he felt so familiar to those brown eyes.

Those eyes were captivating him.

That small frown on her face.

Armaan chuckled remembering that.

And then his thoughts shifted to when they both had bumped for the second time in the early hours of the morning.

She was in a jogging cloths and her hairs tied in a ponytail. Sweat beads on her forehead.

Yet, she was mesmerising.

Her voice was so sweet that it had him agitated as he was drowning in her. He reminded himself again and again that he was waiting for his love!

But, what the hell was happening with him? he had no idea.

But somewhere deep inside he somewhat felt familiarity when he met again in the middle of the street.

As her pictures flashed again and again in his mind, he remembered that she had been wearing the same earring all this time. From the first meet to the third meet, she had the very same pair of earrings in her ears.

He wondered what if she would be searching for it and worried that she had lost it.

At the same time, in Sens house while everyone were fast asleep, Nia was wide awake thinking of her earring that she lost.

Naina had questioned her when she saw Nia's ears which had different earrings. It was very rare for Nia to change it and for that she only said,

"I wanted to change it.... Mumma"

Oh, if she were to tell Naina that her daughter has lost one side of the earring, it would make her very sad. But then, Naina would only buy it another one for her.

But Nia held sentiments in those small time earrings. Those were special ordered for her by Naina when Nia was leaving for London. For all these years, it made her feel like her mother was with her.

"How could I loose it?"

"How will I even get it back?"

"I don't even know where it is"

"What if it had fallen in the car...?"

"Would he see it?"

"And if he even saw it, what would he do?"

"I don't even know him or even his name!"


"And top of that, I lashed out at him for no reason...."

"Would he be angry for that?"

"What have I done?!"

"What if he sells that as a revenge?"

Thinking of all the scenarios, Nia slowly fell asleep.

On the other side, Armaan decided that he would return it tomorrow early in the morning when he would go for jogging. He clearly remembered the place he had bumped for the second time. So he thought, maybe she would be there and he could return it.

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