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As Armaan continued to lie unconscious, Nia stood gazing at him with her teary eyes. She couldn't help but keep running her fingers on his forehead.

"Even after all these years, you don't prioritize yourself Maan, why?"

Nia questioned to his unconscious state as she recalled how he had saved her, the previous night.

Now that he was in unconscious state, Nia took this chance to hold his hand in both of her hands as she stood gazing him affectionately, knowing that she wouldn't even be able to face him once he wakes up.

Then suddenly the beep sound of her pager broke her trance that she placed his hand slowly on the bed and checked her pager. Seeing the pager, Nia rushed out of the ward and headed to Dr. Sukriti's Cabin.

Upon reaching there, she saw that like her, all the other interns and their attendings were present. Then she saw that all the attendings had a serious look on their faces which gave a hint that something was not right.

Dr. Ashutosh who was sitting along with all the other attendings looked at all the interns who were standing and then back at rest of the attendings.

Dr. Sukriti stood up and started speaking.

"Interns.... You all must be wondering why you have been called here.

That too only five of you."

Dr. Sukriti gave a stern look that said that the interns were at trouble. Averting her face, she continued.

"In this cabin, only those people are called who had been to club, yesterday"

As soon the word 'club' hit their ears, the interns started looking at eachother and wondering what happened while Nia, turned nervous.

"Yesterday, we all went.

We all had our fun and enjoyment.

Then all of us went back home while, one didn't"

Chethan got confused and questioned her.

"Did that person sleep there itself?"

Dr. Sukriti glared at him.

"Dr. Chethan. If you are so fond of joking, then you can leave the internship and join the comedy club."

As soon as hearing how he got scolded, everyone chuckled except Nia but then again Dr.Sukriti glared at them to which they turned silent.

"You all might not be aware of how serious this matter is. But"

Dr. Chaithra raised her hand to which Dr. Sukriti motioned her to ask.

"Who didn't go home yesterday?"

"Dr.Jay didn't go back home yesterday night"

Dr. Sapna asked then

"Then is he still there at the club? Is that why he didn't come to hospital?"

Hearing the questions, Dr. Ashutosh stood up and answered.

"No, Dr. Sapna. He's not in the club."

Hearing him answer that looking directly at her, got her face flushed. She was still angry at him which was clearly evident on her face. The way Sapna was glaring at him, somehow a smile crept on his face unknowingly.

Dr. Sukriti continued to speak then.

"He got arrested last night"



"What did he even do?"


The interns were shocked to learn about this news and so was Nia. But she stood in silence. She thought he would be at home, thinking about how to face her but now that she came to know that Jay is arrested, she wondered how did he even end up in jail.

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