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In the other side of the hospital, Dr. Sapna and Dr. Chetan assisted Dr. Ashutosh. Where he observed Sapna being quite. She hadn't spoken anything other than few words which were only professional. This kind of behaviour stunned Ashutosh as well as Chethan who was quite habituated to hear her talking continuously.

Dr. Sukriti stepped out of the ER to find Nia standing with the patient's family members.


Nia called out his name as tears will l welled up in her eyes.

"Excuse me...."

Hearing doctor's voice, Pramila and Sanjay turned to see Dr. Sukriti.

"Doctor what happened to him?"

"He will be alright. But I need to know some things"

"When did he get cut in his hand?"

Nia heard Sukriti asking the questions but every now and then, Sukriti kept on looking at Nia.

"Two or three days back....."

"Did he do something that he was not supposed to?"

"What do you mean doctor?"

"Like, did he lift something heavy? Or did he do something which may had cause the stitches to open?"

"Till yesterday evening he was alright and even in the night..... But he was out with his friend. We don't know what happened there"

Nia knew what happened there. His stitches got open because he had put pressure in holding her while dancing and then he had held Jay with the same hand as he punched him.

Nia regretted suddenly and thought.

'It's all because of me'

"Ok.... I think because his stitches got opened and that might caused infection and which led to fever. He will be fine. So now, we will be restitching the wound and then give him some antibiotics. It's better that this time he stay under observation until he's completely alright."

"Ok doctor"

"Does he have any kind of allergies to any kind of medicines?"

His grandparents looked at eachother and nodded their head. They knew but they had forgotten the name of it. As they tried to recollect, Nia blurted out.

"Antibiotic injections"

Hearing to which Sukriti gazed at her. While the old couple agreed.

"Yes, that's the one. He is allergic to them"

Sanjay said.

"Ok.... Then. We will start the procedure."

Dr. Sukriti said looking at the old couple sand assuring them and then turned to look at Nia.

"Dr. Nia?"

Nia stood frozen and lost after hearing and knowing that she was responsible for his condition. Sukriti called her once again. This time loud enough to catch her off guard.

"Dr. Nia?! 

Nia looked at her who was gazing back with sternness.

"Follow me to the ER"

Nodding her head, Nia followed as Sukriti headed towards the ER.

Inside the ER, Nia saw Armaan lying on the stretcher still unconscious. She wanted to hold him in her arms. She wanted to talk to him. Ask him that why did he have to take such risks? She wanted hear his voice. She wanted to see his eyes.

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