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"Michael fucking afton if you don't get up I will stop you from going out with your friends"

"I'm up! I'm up!" Does he really have to wake me up this early? Ugh whatever time to get ready for school.

~time skip to the bus stop~

"Sorry dude I was late. Oh here's the bus" the bus arrived and we all got on.
Simon was sat next to Fredrick and mark was sat next to lily. Wait. That means I have to sit with a loser today.

For fuck sake. I might as well go and-

That persons hot.

Imma sit next to them.

"Hi." Wow way to go Michael you made it weird.
"Hi?" They responded.
"What's your name?"
That's a pretty/handsome name"
"Ummm ok?"
They went back to drawing on there notebook.
I glanced at mark and he was laughing. I think he saw what happened.

"Can you like sit somewhere else? Sorry but your mask keeps hitting me"
"Oh...I'll just take it off"
"Thank you"

"Hey wait a minute you look exactly like the owner of fredbears!"
Damn they made me insecure now.
"Oh. That's because my father owns it!"
"Father? Why don't you call him dad? It's not hard"
"I know...but do you wanna know what else is hard?"
They pushed me aside so they could sit somewhere else.

Mark told me everyone loves that line? How dare he lie.

Oh they left there bag.

"Umm y/n you left your bag- WAIT" I picked up a piece of paper and a pen and wrote my number.
"Have that too!" They took it! YES! IMMA TELL UNCLE HENRY ABOUT THIS ONE!

(This whole story is a joke)

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