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How can this person be so mean? They judged me for having a watermelon slushie! Oh well. 

"Wanna go in the alley?" Michael wtf are you doing you sound like a creep. 

"What in gods name for???" Wow way to go Michael you made it weird once again.

"Because no one can bother us and it would be chill!" Nice save.

"Oh ok...Still a bit weird." 

"Don't worry if we see a murderer i'll beat them up for you."

"Or just tell the police." 

"Well that's another option."

"Lets just go." We walked through the diner towards the double doors. Oh fuck its raining. Oh well. 

"Hey are these doors supposed to be locked during opening times?" What?

"No. Why would they be locked? Let me try." Why are they locked???

"Lets try the back door." We go all the way to the end of the room. This ones unlocked. Thank you god! Why do i feel pain in my nose all of a sudden?

"Oh! Michael my son i am terribly sorry! I didn't know you were behind this door!" If you wasn't my father i would kick you so hard right now.

"What are you both up to hm??" 

"We was about to go in the ally but-"

"Ally? In this weather? No children i cant be getting you sick. I was out there looking for charlie. Have you seen her by any chance???" Now that i think about it...she has been gone a while...

"No Mr Afton...It is her birthday isn't it? Maybe shes in one of the party rooms?" Why are they nicer to my dad then to me :(

"Oh i never thought of that! Are you Michaels partner? Or are you babysitting him also like Evan?"

"Babysitting obviously." Why is my dad laughing. Is he pretending to be nice????? I cant tell with this man oh my god.

"Well we're going to the arcade now byee" I grab their hand and run.

"Mike i have to go home now but ill see you at school tomorrow yeah?" Oh.

"Ill take you home if you want?" Please say yes please say yes.

"No ill just ask my dad to pick me up."God is not on my side today.

"Oh ok well see you later?" And they left.

"Mookle you are so desperate its annoying." 

"For the last time Evan pronounce my name right. Its Michael. MICHAEL NOT MOOKLE! Also i'm not desperate! I'm being a good friend! You should try it! Oh yeah you have no friends except from that stupid bear."

"Don't say that! He can hear you!" Yeah right. I grabbed the bear and ripped its head off. Its funny because he looks traumatized!

"If you keep bothering me you will be next." 



"Your just saying that!"

"No i promise!"

"Alright then...."

What on earth have i gotten myself into.

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