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"Your dad said we cant let her near circus baby. Whys that?"

"I don't know. Hes so weird sometimes first he says that he made circus baby just for her and then he says she cant go near the bloody thing." They laughed at that. Whats so funny?

"Your British. But also. Where is she? We told her  we're getting slushies from the arcade hoping she would follow and shes not here." Oh fuck.

y/n sees the look of terror on my face. " She knows shes not allowed to see circus baby so she wont be in there. Come on we have to find her." 

(Y/ns POV) 

Shes a little kid so obviously she went to circus baby. Me and mike split ways. He went to Funtime Foxy. I went to circus baby. When i got there i saw Elizabeth. 

"Lizzy, you know your not supposed to be in here"

"Oh i know! I just couldn't resist! Look! She gave me ice cream!" She turned around to face me. Something was wrong. Circus baby's eyes rolled at the back of her head. Mike and William then walked in.

"Elizabeth. Get away from the clown."



Too late. Blood splattered everywhere. The most horrific screams from all of us. Even the fucking robot. It was quiet. So quiet.

"Michael come here."

"Yes father."

(Michaels POV) 

Oh fuck. I'm gonna get slapped. Even worse. My sister is dead! All because of me! I should have been watching her!

"Tell me what happened mike."

"Me and y/n told her not to come here! We left for a second to get slushies! I didn't know she would break the rules! I'm sorry father! I'm so sorry!" I get pulled into a hug. I was expecting a slap from him. Not a hug.

"Come on. We will go to y/ns to drop them off. I'm gonna have to talk to their parent because of there traumatized state." All of a sudden we could hear little sniffles. Oh god. Evan saw the whole thing.

"Mookle...is Liz gone forever???" 

"Yes Ev. I'm sorry." 

~Time skip to your house~

As father was talking to y/ns dad a little girl ran up to y/n and Evan. I walked over because why not.

"Hi! I'm Susie! Wanna play with me?" The blonde said to Evan.

"S-sure." Poor kid. He must be traumatized.

"I didn't know you had a sister." 

"Yeah. Shes the best. Mum and dad said i cant take her to the diner though. I think you know why."

"Why do they let you go?"

"They don't. I sneak there."


Evan walked up to us.

"I invited Susie to my birthday party in 2 days. Would you like to come too, y/n??"

"Of course!! What would you like as a present??" 

"Can you get Mr Fredbear a black hat and a black bow tie? I think hes getting bored of purple."

"Of course i will get that for you and Fredbear."

"Thank you!"

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