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Y/ns POV.

I was waiting for the doctors to come in and tell me if he will survive or not. I really hope he does. I don't know why I'm so sad about this. I only met him a couple days ago. William walks into the room.

"Y/n it's time to go." He said.
"What ever do you mean no?"
"I mean no. I will not leave. Not until I know he's gonna be ok. He saved my life. I atleast want to save his."
"Well how are you going to save his life?" I thought for a moment.
"Give me that injection you gave me. I'll give him some."
"I'm afraid I can't let you do that."
"What? Why?" I swear if this guy doesn't give me the thing I want I'm gonna kill him.

"Well I have ran out of that stuff and I don't think your brave enough to make some yourself."
"Well how did you make it." The beeping on the monitor was getting so annoying.
"Well I killed children that's what I did. It was so fun to do too! Aw how much your brother screamed for your help yet you didn't come. How much your little sister cried for her daddy. It was funny if I'm being honest." I was speechless. He killed my siblings. He fucking killed them.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"
I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him. I'm gonna kill him.

"And how do you make the liquid in the shot exactly?" He seemed surprised that I didn't start crying in front of him. I would but I feel like I don't have any tears left to Cry.

"Well...you kill them and stuff them into suits. You take parts off the suit and burn it then it becomes a liquid...why? Your not really gonna try and save this pathetic man are you?"

"Just take me to Mike. Please."
The doctor walked in and tells us Jeremy will be in a coma for a while. But it will be a miracle if he survives. I'm gonna make that miracle happen.

Mikes pov

I was looking in the mirror. I kept on rethinking everything that happened today. That's when a ringing sound brought me out of my thoughts. I answered the phone and it was y/n. They where telling me how it was gonna be a miracle if Jeremy survived. I told them everything will be fine and not to worry. We both said we love eachother and hung up. I looked in the mirror again.

I knew Jeremy liked them. It was obvious. But now he's gone. He's gone. He's gone. He's gone. I suddenly Burst out in a giant laughing fit. He really thought he could be with my y/n?
Well he can't now can he! I couldn't stop laughing. It's like I couldn't control it.

"Mookle? What's so funny?"
"Nothing Evan. What time it's it?"
"It's 10am father hasn't fed me yet." Poor guy.
I went downstairs and made him breakfast.

"Thank you Mookle. Your the best brother ever!"

The door opened and in came y/n and my dad. My dad went straight upstairs and y/n came up to me and cuddled me. Awh.

"I don't want to do anything today. I want to stay home. All alone with you~" they where right. Evan was going to school in 10 minutes and father was getting ready for work.

Maybe Jeremy dying isn't so bad......

(I found out my friend reads this. And uhm she wants a smut. Idfk how to write that 😃)

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