Idk which chapter this is.

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All I could do was sit next to y/n while the monitor beeped. Dad was also in the hospital. He had a springlock accident but he woke up. He said he was putting it on until y/n walked in and tripped on foxys spare hook and ran out saying they thought it was him who tried to kill them. I don't know what's going on I just want them to wake up.

Suddenly they opened their eyes.
"Yes! Yes it's me! Are you ok? Do you need anything?"
"Just water please."
I went to get the water from the kitchen. When I walked past some rooms I saw my dad in one. I decided to walk in.

"Hello, Mike."
"Hi father."
"So I have something to talk to you about."
"And that is?"
"When y/n wakes up and gets better you are both gonna be taking the night shift."
"But I thought we where taking the day shift?"
"No. I changed my mind."
"Oh well I'm going to give y/n their water"

I walked over to y/ns room. I don't know how they're gonna take the news exactly but I hope they will be fine with it.
When I walked into y/ns room they where with some doctors.

"Ok. You must be the partner. Well we ran some tests and we have found out that y/n has lost memory of everything that had happened before they blacked out. All they remember is the high score of the video game they where playing. Such weird things kids do these days."
The doctor said.
They walked out and now me and y/. Where alone.

"So. What was the high score?"
"Oh i played this weird game that I hadn't seen before. But I got 1987 points."
"That's cool!"
"When do you think I'm allowed to get out?"
"Oh about that. As soon as we get you out me and you will be working the night shift at the new and improved Freddy fazbears."
"But I wanted the day shift?"
"I know. But I think they're all full by now. But don't worry we'll both be doing it together!"


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