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Me and y/n watched movies while everyone was out. It was starting to get dark and Evan was staying at his friends house. Y/n stood up.

"I'm going to the hospital to see Jeremy."
"Why? What's so special about him?"
"Michael he's on fucking life support."

It was quiet a moment.
I went to hug them and kiss them on the cheek.
"Sorry my love I can be a bit jealous sometimes..."
"Yeah I can see that."
"Please stay home. For meee~"

They looked hesitant at first.

~time skip~

Y/ns pov

Mike was asleep. He was hugging my waist like i was gonna die.
I carefully pushed him off. By carefully I mean having to claw him off of me because of the strong grip. Sometimes I think this man is a little to obsessed with our relationship. I went downstairs and headed for the basement. William wasn't coming home till tomorrow morning.  As I walked down the stairs of the basement I felt a cold chill down my spine. I saw a book on one of the desks. William has a diary???? He's like 39 or some shit. How pathetic.

I opened the book and read. I saw all the victims he killed and how he wanted to kill me too. I laughed as I remembered his pathetic try. But then I skipped a page.

Dear diary

Today I killed my wife. I told elizabeth and Evan she ran away to join the circus but Michael saw it all. He saw everything. How I stabbed her. Gutted her. I have no idea what to do with the body.

Sincerely William afton

Dude what the fuck. As I put it away I noticed jars. They had the purple stuff in it! It had been labelled remnant. I took every jar and took 5 needles. I ran back upstairs and wrote a note to Michael saying I was gonna visits Jeremy.

As I finally got to the hospital I asked to go straight into Jeremys room. They took me and I saw him. He looked dead. I carefully took the needle out my pocket when the nurse left the room. I went towards his arm and put the needle in.I pushed the liquid in and waited. (...😏😏😏😏)

Mikes pov

I woke up to see a note y/n had left.

To Mike.

I went to visit Jeremy. It was an emergency after all. I have a surprise for you when i come home! I'll be picking Evan up too!

Love you!

Aww. They're so sweet! I knew it was the right choice sitting next to them on that bus!

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