Boom ba ya

418 7 24

TW smut

Y/ns pov

I dont even know this guy.
If I don't know him then why do I want to do it so badly? Could be the drinks yes...or maybe something else.

"Well, a dare is a dare."

We both stared at each other for a long moment before he started moving his face towards mine. The gap between us was about to close before he stopped.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can wait-" I didn't waste anymore time. I leaned in. This kiss was different compared to any other kiss Ive ever had. This oke seemed more Lustful, passionate....almost familiar.

Fritz stopped and stared at me again.
"C-can I take your uh.." god he really is a virgin. I began taking my clothes off for him. He looked a bit on edge.

"Hey, if you're having second thoughts we don't have to do this."
"What? Oh!'s just my body looks a little more different compared to others...I was involved in a small accident a while back." Poor guy.

"Listen Fritz, I won't judge you okay? Just sit back and relax. I'll do the work."

Michaels pov

They start to take off my clothes. God this is so nerve wracking! In a good way of course. When my shirt was finally off they gasped. Oh god are they going to stop?

"Fritz honey....your scars are beautiful." What?
They start to gently kiss my upper body. Top to bottom. Now it was time for the pants...

"W-wait!" I reached into my pocket and pulled the condoms out that i bought.
"Wow, someone was prepared." They giggled.

When they took my pants off it was quite embarrassing. I was as hard as a Rock! Suddenly, their hands started stroking it. Don't moan Michael. Try not to moan. But then they opened their mouth. Shit I'm gonna be loud as hell.

They were sucking it. I was having my first bj. I couldn't hold it. I had to let my moans out.

And that's exactly what I did. God I was trying so hard not to grab a fistful of their pretty, silky hair. Oh shit, I think I'm gonna-

Huh? Whyd they stop?

They took the condom out of the wrapper and began putting it on me. This is it. It's the moment I've been waiting for.

The latex had a weird feeling. I didnt mind it though. They crawled on top of me. Shit, why is this all going so slow.

"J-just do me already, y/n!" .....where the fuck did that come from?
Then it happened. A sudden wave of heat came over me. They were riding me. Y/n L/n was riding me. I tried to be quiet I really did. It just felt too good..

The room was filled with soft whimpers and wet sounds. God I was in heaven. We both started shaking. This was it. This was the part I wanted.

"S-shit.." they whispered. Fuck I'm gonna....

It all happened at once. We both grabbed onto each other like our lives depended on it. It felt so good.

"I-I'm feeling a little tired, y/n. Can we nap together?"
"Of course, Fritz." I'm gonna have the longest nap of my life.

Time skip
Y/ns pov

The sun was coming up and I still couldn't sleep. I had fun, yes, but it finally dawned on me. I dont Even know what this guy looks like! I didn't want to be rude by asking him to take the stupid mask off. I didn't want to ruin the moment. I deserve to know what he looks like though, right?

I walked over to him and carefully took the mask off.


I Just wanted to say I tried to make a seperate genders chapter but I couldn't do the female one as I'm a cis homosexual guy and well I haven't had sex with a girl since 2022 so I kinda forgotten oops. So I tried to make this with they/them pronouns again! I really hope it's not too ass.)

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