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Me and and my father had a fight and now he kicked me out. So here i am living on the streets.

"If only someone could find me and help me." Normally in a movie when someone says that something happens. I wait. Still nothing.


"Mike what the hell are you doing?" Oh look its y/n! And Fredrick?

"Yeah dude. And why are you shouting all over the place its 10pm?"

"Oh i got kicked out of my house. Anyway i was wondering. Could you guys maybe...i don't know. let me stay at your house for a night??"

"I mean me and Freddy was about to have a sleepover. So sure." Freddy??

"Uhm haha y/n. Why are you calling him Freddy?"

"Its a nickname mike."

"Why don't i have a nickname?"

"You do. mike."

"Fine whatever just lead the way to your house." As we were walking i couldn't help but think. I'm not jealous of a stupid nickname am i? No i cant be. Why would i? Because your in love with them. Wow now i'm talking to myslef.

"Mike. mike MIKE!"

We're here."


We walk in their house. They take me and Fred straight to their bedroom. I was already in my pjs so i didn't have to worry about anything.

~Time skip~

We watched a movie. there are so many adverts. Fred stands up.

"I need to go to the bathroom. Ill be right back." And just like that hes gone. I look at y/n. God they look so nice. I look at their lips. Maybe one smooch would be enough.

"Hey y/n?"


"Remember what happened in the storage closet? Can i do that again?"

"What about Freddy?"

"He doesn't have to know" They think for a moment but nod. I leaned in and we kissed.

"What the fuck." God dammit Fred way to ruin the moment.

"Not that i care! I kinda do actually. Since i liked them but no one told me you guys are together!"

"That's because we aren't." Aw

"But you guys kissed"

"Its complicated"



"Can you be my partner?" Please say yes please say yes.

"Ok maybe i have been denying my feeling this whole time. Yes of course i would." LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. I WON.

I was about to kiss them until.

"Breaking news a young man named Michael Afton has been reported missing. Parent says they had a little argument and left to make dinner but when he went to young Michaels room the window was wide open. here is some footage live from the Afton household."

All of a sudden my dad shows up on the screen.

"Please if you find my son bring him home. I've already lost my wife and daughter. I don't want to lose someone else" Hes showing tears??? Wow calm down dad your not in Hollywood. Then Evan shows up on the screen.

"PLEASE FIND MY BROTHER! I MISS HIM SO MUCH!"Wow we could get a flood with how much tears he has.

Fred and y/n turn to look at me. 

"Care to explain?"

"Ok maybe my dad didn't kick me out. Yes i ran away but i didn't know thyt would miss me this much!"

"Well i'm going to sleep." Ok night Fred.

"Same" Ok night y/n.

~Time skip~ 

Fred and y/n are asleep. I can hear helicopters looking for me. Someone knocked on the downstairs door so i thought i would listen. 

"Oh hello officer!" Y/ns mum said.

"Hello. Have you seen a teenage boy with brown hair blue eyes and wearing a fox mask? He's missing."

"Oh my! That's my child's friend! i have no idea of where he could be. I hope you find him!"

My heart is racing oh my god. I turn over.

"Y/n..." I whisper.

"What?" I'm sorry i just woke you up.

"Can i like. Can i hug you?"


"I'm kinda scared."


"You said hug not cuddle, Mikey." YES I HAVE A NICNAME!!

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