Idk what part this is

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Y/ns pov
When leaving the cafe the smelly being ran out to me.
"Y/n wait!! Let me drive you home!!" He yelled at me. I stared for a moment.
"Hold on....I dont Even know your name."

Michaels pov
Shit. I need to think of something and fast.
"Fritz...Fritz smith. Now can I take you home?" I hope they're thinking about saying yes.

"I don't want to walk. Spawn point say yes!" A bit dramatic Gregory.

"You know what? Sure. I dont see what could go wrong." I think my heart just skipped a beat.

I opened the passenger seat for them but I was quickly shoved out of the way.
"I CALL SHOTGUN!!"  Of course.

While driving I could hear y/n giggling in the back seat.
"What are you giggling at back there?" I chucked.

"Don't you worry about it mik- I mean Fritz."
Shit I thought my cover was blown for a second there.

"So...who is this mike anyway? He sounds like a handsome guy."
"Oh trust me he was." God it breaks me to hear them this upset.

"You need to chillax mom/dad. Go out, party a bit, have a drink. You need some breaks in life too you know" I'm keeping that advice, Greg.

Y/n seemed hesitant at first.

"You know what? Sure! Fritz do you want to join me tonight?"  Fuck yes.

We stop at a small corner shop, I gave y/n the money to go in and pay. I'm wearing a mask so theyd probably ask me for I'd.

5 minutes later, y/n comes back into the car with a bag filled with one large bottle of vodka and another with Prosecco. (PROSECCO MY LOVE 🫶🫶)

"I have other drinks in the house we can mix with these drinks so don't worry." Okay maybe I do need to go into the shop.

"Y/n darling, I'll be right back." I rush out of the car and into the shop.

In the shop I try to grab the money from my pocket but Im a bit shaky due to nervousness. My dad always told me to be prepared when you're about to have a drink with someone. Now I can put it to the test. I quickly got to the man at the counter and asked for the thing I need.

"A pack of condoms please."

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