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Obviously i went straight to the diner. I needed to tell Uncle Henry. I slammed the door of the place open. I got a lot of stares but I don't care. It was worth it.


"Oh? Can you tell me about it too?"

Shit i didn't know he was in here. Although he is acting...weird. Why is he caring about me? Or is he actually interested?

"Well i met someone today! I gave them my number and they might call me!" I hope they are proud...

"Awww isn't that cute! My son has got himself a partner!" Please no.

"Anyway i need you to give all this money to the person babysitting Evan." Oh so he wanted me to do something for him.

"Why can't you do it?" 

"Because i'm busy now go do as i say Michael or no tv"

I grabbed the money and left. Such a fucking lazy bitch my dad is. Now where is Evan and that-


I pushed Evan and he landed on his face. I'm surprised they didn't laugh...Wait they look mad.

"What the fuck was that for?" They picked Evan up and cradled him like a baby. "Why would you do that?" Because i wanted you to laugh.

"Because he deserved it! Now let me introduce myself! My name is Michael!" 

"Yeah whatever man i really don't care." Please just try to care a little bit.

"Oh i'm sorry that must have hurt your feelings...I have an idea! Lets get slushies yeah? As a sorry for being rude to you." Fucking yes.

"Can i come?" Fucking no.

"No Evan its just for us big kids." That's the nicest thing i've ever said to him.

"Well then lets get going!" 

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