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2nd night.

Y/n and jeremy was talking. Jeremy was flirting but y/n couldnt understand that. I didnt like him one bit. My dad had scrapped the older models. i thought they where broken and un usable but that was a lie. I was holding eye contact with foxy. Last time i saw him was when i had a talk with the ghost. I think i was a little high because who the heck would speak to a ghost. He didnt do anything until he saw y/n. He was about to pounce and i was about to use my flashight until...


The old model of chica had pushed him out the way. Thank you chica you are a life saver. Thats when i noticed something go in mangles room. It was too big to be a rat. 

"Y/n can you go in mangles room for me? I think there was a bit of movement on there."

"Oh ok."

y/ns pov

Im ignoring what fredbear had told me. But i need money and if someone broke in while im on the job i am gonna be blamed for sure.

I walked in the room. I looked at the camera and saw it was flashig red. That meant someone was watching the cameras. Its nice to know someone is watching over me to keep me safe. Wait a minute i though mangle was supposed to be in here? I dont see anyone to be honest.

I looked in the corner where there was a bit of rustling. I flashed my flashlight and saw a cat! AWWW. But when i walked towards it it hissed at me. Damn. I thought it was hissing at me until i heard something behind me. I turned around and saw mangle. Wow. First was foxys hook. Then it was being stabbed. Also a fucking immortal needle drug and now this?? Im ready for death i guess.

(Im too tired to make this longer or edit the spelling mistakes.)

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