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Y/ns pov

I waited. Then suddenly Jeremys eyes opened.

"JEREMY OH MY GOD!" I was in tears already!
The nurses and doctors came in to see what all the commotion was all about and when they see Jeremy and me hugging they knew straight away. They did tests to see if he could leave and every test came back as successful.

Me and Jeremy were walking to Evans friends house to pick him up.

"Hey Jeremy where do you even live?" When I asked that he looked sad at first.
"Well I lived in my truck for a while and well it got taken from me the day I got bit. So I don't really have a place to sleep." I felt bad for the poor guy.
"Well if mikes ok with it you can stay with us!"
"Really? You'd do that for me? Wow y/n this is why I lo- LIKE like you!" Hm. Strange.

We got to the door of Evans friends house and I knocked on the door. A guy the same age as william opened it.
"I'm here to pick up Evan."
"Are you his parents?"
"Well no but-"
"Then no. I'm not giving him to someone other then his parents." As he was gonna shut the door Jeremy put his foot in the way.

"Oh sorry about my parter here! Their feeling a bit unwell! What they where supposed to say was yes. We are his parents. He's adopted by the way!"
"I don't see a wedding ring."

"That's because we left it at home!!" Please Jeremy. Just stop.

"Can we have our kid now?"

Evan appeared from behind the man. When we where walking home he said something.
"So I heard Michael the other day."
"So?" Jeremy said.
"He was saying something like 'how could he think he could be with my y/n. I'm sure he was laughing about someone's death or some shit like that. Who died?"  I muted out the curse word he said. Did Mike think Jeremy died? Does Mike want him to die? Oh fuck.

Mikes pov

I heard the front door open. Father will be staying at Henry's for a week so he won't be here any time soon.
I walked towards the front door but what I saw almost made me want to kills someone.

Jeremy fucking Fitzgerald.

"Y/n baby. I thought he was dead."
"Nah I'm still living laughing and loving my guy!" When he said and loving he looked at y/n.

"Whatever anyway what was the surprise? Or was this fucking thing the surprise?"

"Oh right! Come in the kitchen." Why not the bedroom?
"Evan. Michael I hope your not scared of needles." Fucking terrified.
"Why?" After y/n explained what remnant was and how it actually does work they injected it into Evan. Evan at first was fine until he felt sleepy and went to bed.

Y/n then looked at me.
" I know your scared of needles hun but you have to! It will keep us safe!" I thought for a moment.
"I will only take it on 2 conditions. One. We can be together forever. Two I can kiss you while your doing it."

"You don't have to ask for kisses. Just do it" they said.
I leaned in and kissed them. God I love them so much. Jeremy was still in the kitchen with us so I know I was making him jealous. As soon as the needle hit my skin I whimpered. Jeremy laughed at this until I put my arms around y/ns waist. Wait....DID JEREMY HAVE THE NEEDLE TOO? IS HE IMMORTAL?? HE BETTER NOT BE!

I broke free from the kiss tears In my eyes. Not because the Jeremy thing but because I felt like my veins where on fire.

Y/n saw this and cuddled into me. They're so warm! I'm so glad I have them! I want to marry them! I want to have children with them! Wait.

No it can't be.

I promised myself I wouldn't but....

I think I'm obsessed with them.

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