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It's been 3 months since dad died. Evan isn't properly over it but he's good.
Something has been on my mind lately. I wanna ask y/n to help me do something but I don't know if they will agree.

Fuck it.

I walk over to the kitchen where y/n was cooking pancakes.

"Y/n...I have a question."
"Ask away."
"Can we adopt?"

It's quiet. A bit to quiet.

"Mike you know taking care of a child is a big responsibility.  Plus we're only 20 and Evans 15 I don't think he would want a kid running round the house."

"Then how about we adopt a baby! Please y/n!"

"But Mike...we aren't even married! What if we break up while having this baby?! What will happen to it then!"

"We won't break up! I promise you. I would give  my whole life away for you."

"Well when you say it like that....fine."


Time skip

We went to the adoption centre.
Holy shit this is exciting!

We went to the lady at the desk.

"Hi! Welcome to ##### adoption centre! How can I help you lovely couple today?"

"Oh right! Do you have any baby's? Not todlers or children."

"Your in luck! We only have 3!"

We walk into the nursery over to the baby beds. Henry has bought us all the baby stuff and getting the room ready while we get them.

"These two are girls and this one is a boy. "

Y/n carefully picked the boy up. I looked at him. He opened his eyes and I swear I saw him smile a bit. He had brown hair and brown eyes.

"Aw. Mikey can we have this one?" (This bitch is acting like we're buying a puppy 💀)

"Of course. I like him too."

"Well I'm glad you happy couple want him! His parents didn't treat him very well!"

We went to the desk with the baby is a stroller.

We wrote out the adoption papers and brought him home.

"I forgot to tell Evan."

Time skip.

Henry was feeding the baby while me and y/n was talking.

"Do you want to name him after any of your family members?"

"Hm...not really...how about....Gregory?"


We heard the door open. That must be Evan coming home from school.

Me and y/n where cuddling in the kitchen until....

"What the fuck is in your arms, Henry."

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