Ffs Gregory.

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I don't know how it happened but my son lost his fucking shoe in the ball pit. Its 11pm and he only just now notices? What a joke.

I shut my car door and begin walking up to the Pizzaria doors, I try opening the doors but they're locked.

Maybe I should see if there is a back way?

I begin walking towards the back when I hear some sort of scraping. 

Okay maybe I should just go home and buy Gregory some new shoes tomorrow.

I begin to walk away.

Shit no these ones light up when he walks, they're his favourite. 

There I go making my way back again, When I get there I peak around the corner and see the same man. He's holding what seems to be a broken robot? It looks like Circus Baby...

Suddenly, I feel something wrap around my ankle. I look down to see bony ass fingers attached to me. I screamed.

I tried to run but of course the hand wouldn't let go so I tripped and fell into the dirt. I looked at it properly. God it was horrible. Its big ass forehead was popping out and it looked like a green roach. 

Suddenly, The other arm lifted. It didn't even have a hand it was just a spike of bone. It was about to stab me and I screamed once again. 


"Sir/Miss are you okay?" NO IM IN SHOCK. (So is the musty roach) 

When I looked up it was the guy with the mask. He kind of gasped when I looked up.


"I am aware of that y/- Um Sir/Miss. Its late you should leave."

"No thank you I need to get something." I begin to walk more into the alley but he grabs my hand. Ew germs.

"Wait! Let me go in, I work here after all" "But you don't know what I need."

"Well then tell me! I want to help you know." He lets out a shy laugh.

"How about we both go in? You could be my Knight in shining armour if any of well...those things try and get in." I smile at him. This man stinks.

(Mikes pov)

God I've missed them.

"Y-Yeah...lets do that."

We both begin walking into the building. Normally I don't do this but I'd do anything for my soulmate. They begin running over to the ball pit.

"You know that thing has all sorts of diseases in right?" I chuckle.

"Well sadly my sons shoe will be covered in them. Come help me!" They're bent over the side...Am I allowed to look-? Technically we haven't broken up...

"Um...Guy? You gonna help or what?" RIGHT.

We begin searching for the shoe. My elbow touched theirs...I begin to giggle out loud.

"What's so funny?" They ask with a confused smile on their face.

"N-Nothing, love" I didn't even mean to say that. I don't think they noticed. 

Suddenly, a flashing light started blinding me.


"Gregory's shoe!" 

They grabbed the shoe and started to stand, shit I can't let them leave.

"Sir/Miss! Wait! What's your name may I ask?"

"Oh! Its y/n, Why?" Come on Mike its not like you haven't done it before.

"Can I get your number?"

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