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Y/ns pov

I could hear the couch making noises which indicated he was awake. Do I make him a coffee? Do I kick him out??  I cant think straight after knowing who was really under the mask. I thought he died...

Suddenly, the front door opened and Jeremy walked into the living room.  Michael and Jeremy made, what I think, was eye contact. After taking the mask off I had panicked and put it back on him.

"Damn, y/n! I don't think one night stands are supposed to stay for this long." If only we could call it that.

"He can stay for as long as he likes." Michael perked up at that. They both walked into the kitchen where I was and sat down.

"I didn't know you were gonna be here so you can make your own coffee."

How do I tell Michael I know? I've missed him so much but how can he keep this from me? Why didn't he reach out??

"Mi- um Fritz." He looked up.
"I think we need to have a talk....alone." Jeremy sighed and left the room.

"Soooooo? Is this about the sex??"

"Fritz...I know."  His head tilted to the side.
"You know what?"
"I know who you really are. You're Michael."

The room has never been so silent. If someone dropped a pin you'd be able to hear it with an echo without a doubt.

"How did you find out.." I can't tell him what I did. That would be betraying his trust.
"Michael I've missed you."

He began taking the mask off.

"I've really missed you too."

Michael afton x reader Where stories live. Discover now