Cant remember.

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Y/ns pov

It was now 2pm and Mike finally woke up.

"Do you want anything for breakfast?"
"No thanks."

Hm. Strange he normally asks for a morning coffee and toast. Oh well.

Gregory walked into the kitchen.

"Oh daddy! There's something I want to tell you! There was this little girl and-"

"Greg. No." I said. I dont want Mike to be reminded of his sister again.

"What girl?" Shit.
"There was this girl in the room last night! She said she was your sister! Can I have a sister? Oh pretty please!" Mike tensed up. Maybe it was the word sister that made him tense. Maybe it was Gregory kind of acting like Liz. Who knows?

"Greg not now honey." I said.

"Oh. Well if not a sister then can you take me to Freddy's??? You never let me go but now your working there! Can we go pretty please???"

"Gregory don't. I'm not in the mood." Mike said.

"But you always say that! Why can't you just take me!" He whined.

"Gregory shut up." Mike said. Woah. He only talks to Jeremy like that.

"No! You promised you would take me! Don't you care about me!? I thought you loved me!"

"ELIZABETH SHUT UP!" Mike slapped Gregory.

"Gregory I didn't mean to-"
He came crying to me.

"Michael what the fuck!?!?"
"No y/n you don't understand I didn't mean to!"
"What the fuck do you mean?"
"It was like someone else was controlling me!"
"Yeah bullshit. Your acting like your father. You know what your sleeping on the couch tonight." I walked away with Gregory in my arms.

When I was upstairs I could faintly hear someone sobbing. Gregory had fallen asleep In my arms so I put him in bed.
I walked downstairs to see Mike sitting against the wall and crying.

"I didn't mean to. I'm not like him!" He was mumbling over and over again.

"Mike..?" His head lifted up. Poor baby. His eyes where red from crying and he looked so tired.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to. I'm sorry!"
I sat next to him and cuddle into him.

"Im not happy with how you acted today but you don't deserve to be left like this."
I kissed his cheek. Wow. If I did that years ago he would have been fangirling right now.

"How about we go upstairs and take a nap?"
He stood up.

As we where walking into the room Jeremy stopped me.

"What the hell happened?"
"It's fine Jeremy don't worry."
"But I-"
"Drop it."

(Qna here because yes ☺️)

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