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Wow giant headache.
"Mookle? Mookle are you awake???" Who's that?
I wake up properly to see that it was Evan. I guess I got sent home.
"Daddy wants us to go to the diner!!! Maybe we will see y/n there." Hmm
"They said they wasn't going today. But I'll go anyway!"

~time skip~

"Now. Michael I want you to look after Evan."
"Why can't you do it?"
"Because I have to go in the Springbonnie suit."
"Oh ok.."

As he began to walk away I hear a familiar voice. I turn around and see y/n. Wait. They said they wasn't gonna be here. Why did they lie?

"Y/n! What are you doing here??"
"Oh my dad wants to apply for a job here. Soo wanna hang out?"  Of course. Yes. Why not. Obviously.
"Oh sure I'm not busy anyway!"
"That's good! Hey has anyone seen b/n??"

(Evans POV)

"Mr Fredbear!!! You know the future! What's happening right his moment!"
"Distract your father"
"Don't let him take him"

(B/n POV)

Like a normal teenager I would break the rules. Why? Because it's fun! Now what should I do first...
I grabbed a cup of water and headed toward the yellow rabbit. Surely it's just an animatronic right? Let's make it malfunction!



I saw a little kid go towards the rabbit and lead him away.

"That boy over there was trying to spill water on you! I saved your life! Are you proud of me?"
"Of course I am Evan" wow it spoke
All of a sudden the rabbit turned to me.
"Oh little boy. I'm gonna have to lead you to the lost and found so we can get your parents. Do follow me!" Aw man. I'm gonna be grounded for life!

I followed the yellow bunny man towards lost and- this isn't lost and found.
"Umm sir? This is parts and service."
"Same thing." I don't like this...

We walked in. It's so dark. Cold. Why is the floor wet? I looked down. What the fuck.
There's pools of blood. I looked on the table. Oh how much I wished I didn't look. The missing child from the papers.
"No one can hear you...the walls are sound proof."
Then it was over.

One inhale. One exhale....One inhale....One exhale....One inhale...One exhale.....................

(Williams pov)

Oh fuck now where I'm gonna hide this little shit. Oh that's right. Mine and Henry's new animatronics! Ohhh little boy. I hope your ready to be the best pirate fox this world has ever seen!

(I made this for drama)

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