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Michaels pov

We got to the house. Y/n told me the directions only for me to realise they still live in my old house.

We walk in and I notice it's a lot cleaner than it used to be. No empty bottles, dirty dishes, fathers paperwork, Elizabeth's toys.

"So little man, you know where you're going!"
Y/n says to Gregory. God I still love their voice.
"The adoption centre?" Damn round two.
"Well...I was going to say bed.."

Gregory gives y/n a grumpy look but runs upstairs to presumably his bedroom. Y/n turns to me with a wide smile.

"So where do we start?"

~time skip~

We're so fucking wasted.

"So like...what do we do now?" Fuck.
"Uh..truth or dare?"
"Yeah sure."

"How about we make it a more...lewd game? You know...for adults?" Shit I hope I didn't make it weird.

"Fine, winner gets the rest of the vodka!"
"Oh you're on."

"Truth or dare?" I want to pick dare but...

"Truth!" Damn it.

"Um...when was the last time you jerked off!" They start laughing.
"Well..it was actually a long while ago. It was a night after a date at a roller rink." Hopefully they start getting the hints.
"No way...I had a date once there too!" Their laugh is so beautiful.

"I'm not good at these but..truth or Dare?"
"Truth" awh.
"What was your first time like?" Time to find out if there's someone else in the picture.
"Actually, the person I really loved died before we got to do anything like that." YES.
"Don't worry, love. I'm a virgin too." Kind of embarrassing to say..

"Okay okay! Truth or dare?"
"Truth." Damn it Mike stop being a pussy.
"...how big is it?" That took me by surprise.

"Well I'm not really the one to brag but...8 inches." Maybe that was a small lie. Idk I've never measured my own dick. (Tf you mean your own?)
"Oh!? How the fuck are you a virgin!?"
"Who knows, my love."

"Truth or dare?"
"Dare! I aint no pussy!" Good.
"I dare you to lose it to me."

(I'm making it the comments choice to decide if the next chap should be a smut or not)

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