Chapter two - Terror in his eyes

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My body froze as I saw how Josh slowly got sucked by the suction of the speed. I wanted to help him, to save him, but my legs were nailed at the ground as I held my breath while my eyes were about to pop out any moment.

Just as I slowly began to breathe again, I saw how you slowly came closer to Josh, extending your arm, like you wanted to pull him back into the train. I swallowed, seeing how you doubted. Just as you wanted to grab his hand, lifted your hand which made Josh not be able to grab your hand before he fell. My heart stopped with beating for a few seconds, as I saw the glance in Josh his eyes when he realized that you wasn't about to help him, and he lost out of sight.

My chest began to vibrate as you turned your body back to me, staring at me with those cold eyes. I could see the terror in your eyes, but you didn't seemed to give no sound. It was like you blamed me for Josh his dead, like you despised me on a odd way. Without any expression on your face. I pressed my lips which began to vibrate as well, realising that you didn't took the effort to save him, to stuck out your arm a little bit further so Josh had been able to pull himself into the train again. I let my head fell against the wall, licking desperately my lips while I was about to cry any moment. I blamed myself, I had to admit. But it was your fault.

A few days later, we all stood around the grave of Josh, watching how his chest slowly got moved into the big hole in the ground. I stared emotionless at it, just as cold as the weather. I felt how the cold breeze stroked along my cheeks, and I glanced up while I noticed that someone was staring at me. It was you, watching me with the same glance as the one in the train - when Josh died. I pressed my jaws, not to scream at him that it was his fault. My dad followed my glance to Nigel, staring incomprehensible but suspicious as well because he had no idea what was going on.

Everyone walked slowly away when the chest of Josh had finally reached the ground, but I couldn't walk away that soon.

The next week was hard for me. I had been quiet and sad while I stayed mostly of the time in my room, staring at the ceiling while wondering why you let Josh fell. Just as rehearsals of the new play was about to start, I slowly began to accept Josh his death. I had to, once.

Now I was sitting in the church, watching how Susan - the girl which I really liked - rehearsed for her part.


Nigel had come in unexpectantly. Whispering in Alex' ear closer in his personal space than he'd probably wish Nigel to come.

"I'm really sorry about your friend.."

He sat down on the row behind him, looking up at the ceiling of the church, as if he could see heaven through it.

"But you don't have to worry.. He's in peace now."

He had stared at Alex pointedly after that.. As if reading his mind.. And to Alex it must feel like he did. The question was if he was really capable of doing this.

"The girl's quite something, isn't she?"

he suggested, as if he wanted to prove that he could read his mind. He got no answer, but the silence seemed to satisfy Nigel anyway. He got up again and turnd around, walking out of the church as quickly as he had come.

But as he did, he already knew Alex would follow him. He wouldn't be able to resist it.. He was curious, and Nigel knew it. Nigel felt it. So was Nigel himself. The only difference was that Nigel had grown to admit it.. Alex would not. But follow he would anyway.


Suddenly I heard someone whispering in my ear. The voice sounded to familiar - even though I hadn't heard it that much yet. I pressed my lips, trying not to make any response. I didn't wanted to curse you in the church - nor in the presence of Susan. She would probably look down on my if I should do that.

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