The construction workers surrounded Alex and Nigel in circle. The light reflected of their yellow suits and the musical sound of the rain ticking on their raincoats made an appearance of angels surrounding them. The looked down at the dead body in the other's cold arms. Some of them shook their head at the sadness of it. They didn't know what happened, yet they felt nothing but pity now for the boy that was still alive, not the one that was dead. The dead were at pace after all. They didn't need a stranger's pity.
One of the constructing workers put a hand on Alex shoulder, another one turned away to call the police. Not much later a police car and a van did arrive. One of the officer bent down, tall and white blonde hair, and tried to make Alex let go of Nigel's body.
"Come on.. It's time to go. We'll get you somewhere dry."
I snorted as I had gasped for air a couple of times on a hesitated way - almost like I cocked. I swallowed, still sobbing without a sound as my lips stroked over Nigel his cold jawline. Normally I was able to hear him breathe, to feel his reaction, to feel the connection between our minds. Now my head was entirely empty. An empty ocean - just surrounded by silence, sadness and hopeless thoughts. I gazed up to the air as I heard the clattering noise of the raindrops which fell on the construction workers their yellow raincoats. I swallowed, allowing the angles and the gods to take Nigel his sacrifice now. To bring him in peace and to kneel down for him. Like the kings had done before, ones, a long time ago.
My hand still rubbed the cloth of Nigel his shirt, gently and comforting as a sign everything was going to be okay now - with him at least. I had to be honest I hated him now. I hated him for leaving me alone in this miserable world, just entirely on my own.
Out of nowhere a construction worker put a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it softly as a sign of comforting. Not much later, there seemed that one of the workers had called the police - and after a few minutes the loud sound of a police car came closer. When it arrived, a man came out, bending down next to me as he sighed deeply after staring at the corpse of Nigel.
My lips got lightly pursed as the man began to talk - probably a cop or so. I frowned, gazing up to search for his eyes, and pressed my lips tightly afterwards as I kept in silence. This meant I had to leave Nigel his body alone now. For one last time, I bent over Nigel again, pressing my lips softly against his as I pressed my eyes entirely shut – still not getting bothered by his bleeding head. I just got tormented by my loss. The fact that I would never be able to kiss Nigel like this again. I could hear the office cleaning his throat, almost like he got disgusted or irritated by this, and I slowly let Nigel his body go after a few tears fell down on the cold pale skin of his shoulder.
My trembling lips got pressed as the man brought me towards the car, letting me take a seat on the backseat as some people in white odd suits came over to wrap Nigel his body into a lightly blue sheet. The end was such a scary place to start right now. Everything has suddenly got torn apart and I had practicably no place to go anymore. Though, perhaps this was just the beginning...
There there, lovely readers. This is the end, sadly enough. Thanks for reading our fanfiction! But- but wait... There, there's something more. This story may be over, based on the story from the film, but why wouldn't there be second part? A future? No one knows what happens with Alex after this, right? Alex didn't not die. Well, I've got you a secret to tell, I do know what happens after. And you can read it soon in part two of this fanfiction!
More information about that coming soon!

Like Minds - To my beloved Maraclea
FanfictionA thousand year old secret leads to murder. Alex Forbes is a brilliant student that goes to his father's boardingschool: St. Barnabas College. He's cheeky, popular and incredibly charming on his own way. He lives a rather bored life, being forced by...