Chapter three - Night visits

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It was deep in the night when Nigel suddenly opened the door to Alex' - previously both their,- bedroom. He had been moved out after the incident with Josh.. But he didn't like it, even though he had expected he would. Alex didn't like it either, which surprised him even more, but he would never admit it to him.

When he walked him he saw the other was sleeping, and he walked in gently, careful not to wake him yet. He sat down on the chair, which he often used to preoccupy whenever he was working on anatomies and such, only the other way around, so he could support and arms on the back of the chair. He sat there and he just stared at Alex, long enough to count the freckles on his face if he did the effort. He was just experimenting again... Alex had invaded his mind. Not long after Nigel had discovered he could invade his too. He wanted to know if he could wake him up with this particular gift.


I went to bed very early today. I just didn't felt so well today. Everything became so different since the death of Josh - and Raj who suddenly considered ignoring entirely.

I had my arms wrapped around my pillow while I lay with the left side of my face on it, covered underneath the warm covers. I didn't notice that Nigel came in, a little while ago. I didn't even notice that he was staring at me, until now. Like he waked me with his cold piercing eyes. I swallowed and opened my eyes slowly. My sigh came back, and my eyes began to focus slowly. I saw a shape of a body. I pressed myself a little bit up and frowned when I realized that it was Nigel who seemed to stare at me like some psycho no-lifer.

'Do you mind? What the hell do you think you’re doing?'


He cocked his head when he actually got him to wake up, intrigued by the fact it worked, intrigued by Alex.

"I'm just.. checking something," he whispered. He got up from the chair and sat on the edge of his bed, then. He had the vague sense that he might be about to get hit again any moment, but he didn't seem to care.

"Just.. Relax.." he said, suddenly putting a hand on Alex' chest to push him gently back down. "You'll thank me for it later."

He suddenly moved over then, and for a moment it seriously seemed like he was going to kiss Alex, but he didn't. He moved his forehead against his instead and closed his eyes to concentrate harder. Whatever it was of a creepy link between their minds, it seemed to get worse.. stronger.. Intense.. Like they were separated only by this thin transparent layer and trying to poke through.

"So close.." Nigel whispered exhilarated, and Alex could feel his breath on the skin of his cheek.

Nigel finally moved back then, if only for a little, to look at him, and he smiled brilliantly as he did.

"I knew it was you.."


'You're checking something,' I repeated highly irritated.

'Why don't you check it another time? When I'm not sleeping and it's not fucking midnight.'

Just as I wanted to turn my back again, Nigel suddenly came closer to sit on the edge of my bed. I frowned, doubting about what he was going do. It was pretty confusing - and scary - how he stared at me and came closer every second. I swallowed while watching you incomprehensible. It was probably only because I just woke up. If I really realized what he tried to do, I'd probably punched him again. I could see the lightly blue shade on his jawline. I gave him that when I hit him near the church. When he suddenly came so close that it looked like he was going to kiss me, I opened my mouth a bit to ask him what the hell he was going to do - but I swallowed the words back into my wondering soul.

'Too close,' I mumbled while frowning my eyebrows. I felt weak, somehow. I knew that I couldn't push him away, not now. It was like I almost liked this, the way he was so close.

When he pulled his head a little bit back to stare me in the eyes I swallowed again and pressed my lips.

'What are you talking about...'

My voice softly died, like I began to understand what he meant at my last word. I didn't wanted to believe him - also because I still didn't really understood it. Everything was too confusing. He probably tried to drive me crazy now I was on one of my weakest.


Nigel cocked his head, wondering about Alex' comment. He wasn't sure whether he meant too close physically, or mentally.. Nigel knew though, that if it was mentally, they could never be too close. If only he could pierce through the one last wall between them.

"I told you.. You'll understand soon enough. I'll make you understand if I have to."

He raised his hand and put it at his shoulder, almost as if to comfort him.

"..and we'll be free."

He smiled wicked again and then got up.

"Goodnight Alex.. I'll see you soon."

He turned around again and left him on his own, vaguely amused by the fact he knew Alex wasn't going to catch much sleep any time soon.


My head felt so incredibly strange, like some really tried to enter my mind, to control it. I pressed my lips as I stared at Nigel, almost emotionless like he got me hypnotized. I felt how his hand touched my shoulder, which made me come back to the normal world again. I swallowed, following him with my suspicious glance.

'We'll be free,' I repeated him while I tried to hid more of my body underneath the covers, like he was going to harm me.

I didn't even took the effort to react on his last sentence, and I turned my body and face to the direction of the wall, staring at it like I was able to look right through it. I felt awoken, on a different and odd way. Nigel had found a way to dig into my mind.

'Lock the door,' I mumbled - what shouldn't make any sense. He was always able to enter my room.


The coming night's Nigel kept visiting, like he had that once, keeping Alex from his sleep. But repeating events are hard not to get used to. So after many arguments, Alex had given up the fight and let Nigel come back to his room as often as he pleased. Nigel happily took his advantage from that.

He even did his experiments and taxidermy's in Alex' room again.. He could somehow better concentrate when Alex was closer. Like Alex was in his mind, secretly thinking with him, making him stronger.

Alex had jerked his mouth irritably at this new habbit of Nigel but hadn't commanded him to leave the dead animals out of his room either.. Probably because he found it fascinating, in some morbid, sick way.

More than once Nigel stayed up late, working at the desk once again, when Alex had already long gone to sleep. Nigel could feel Alex' eyes burning into his back when he worked but he kind of liked it..

At one night in particular, Nigel suddenly turned around halfway at his process to look at Alex. He had his eyes closed, had already fallen asleep it seemed. So Nigel walked up to him soundlessly. For a moment he reached out his hand and hovered it above Alex' face, but he didn't touch it.. Not really. It was like he was testing if Alex was awake to notice. When Alex didn't respond, he dropped his hand again, and softly left the room, suspiciously.. Only Alex hadn't been asleep.. he'd just been pretending.. And curiosity crept over him, about Nigel's suspicious behavior, about where he was going.


I had hid myself in secret for a little while now. It looked like I was asleep, like I had those sweet dreams that were haunting me for weeks now. I dreamed about Nigel, almost every night what made sleeping uncomfortable. I could feel his breath on my skin, even in my smallest daydreams. How he feed himself with my fear, my curiosity and my mind. I could even feel his hand floating above my head with my eyes closed. As I heard him slowly snipping out of the room, I opened my eyes suspicious, while I looked around me like some kind of a raptor. I pushed myself up from the bed and stood up to follow him after I putted some clothes on as fast as I could - but still quiet as a mouse. I wondered what he was going to. Were he tried to go to. I pressed my lips so no one could hear me breathe. I wanted to follow him secretly, as a shadow hidden in the dark.

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