Chapter five - A guarantee

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It was at least an hour later when Nigel came back into Alex' room, clean this time, and he looked down to Alex who was back in bed like he had been before.

"Are you still awake?" Nigel whispered and he sat down on the edge of Alex' bed, looking at his face in the dark.


I opened my eyes when I heard someone walking down the hall. I had no idea who it was, and somehow I felt a gust of freezing cold stroking along my body, like a unpleasant fear. When I heard the door slowly getting opened, I closed my eyes again, pretending to sleep. When I suddenly felt how someone took a seat on the edge of my bed, I opened my eyes slightly.

'I am,' I whispered when I noticed that it was Nigel his face hanging above him. I swallowed and pressed myself a little bit upright.

'How did it went? Is he gone?'


"It's taken care off.." Nigel muttered. He studied Alex for a moment and then lifted his hand, softly brushing back the locks of hair in front of Alex forehead with his fingertips. "No one will ever know it was us."

He cocked his head and smiled, mockingly boyish again.

"You can't sleep, can you?" he whispered, almost amused somehow.


'How surprisingly that you noticed,' I answered almost mockingly. Of course I couldn't fall asleep like there was nothing happened. I just killed somebody. This was probably going to take a long time till I would be able to sleep normally again - which I didn't after Nigel's appearance.

The way he stroked through my hair made me purse my lips a little bit. It was an odd, but at the same time such an amazing feeling. I frowned lightly and pressed my lips. I had to be honest that I doubted about Nigel his disposition. Sometimes it looked like he was gay - to be honest. I swallowed while I kept staring him in the eyes. I had to be honest. It was like he made me feel gay. I frowned while thinking about that - but he probably couldn't see that.


Both his smile as the ominous look in his eyes remained unaffected by Alex' sarcasm entirely, all he did was raising his eyebrows slightly in a questionable glance.

"Do you need me to help out with that? I can get you to sleep.. .. Without the anesthetic of course."

He continued to stare at Alex almost cheerfully, but this smile disappeared entirely when he suddenly caught something, a flair of Alex' mind. He leant closer, looking the other straight in the eyes.

"We're not lovers," he explained quietly. "We're so much more significant than just that, much more important too."


I raised my eyebrows, just as he did, and stared at him with questionable stare. How did he want to get me fall asleep? I began to grin slightly when I thought of him singing a lullaby - what wouldn't work of course, but it should be quite amusing.

'What's your plan? How can you make me fall asleep?'

If he really thought about singing, I would probably only laugh at him. He didn't looked like a good singer to me. His voice was softy, and odd on a special way.

I pressed my lips softly, thinking about the things I thought right now. It was odd, strange, and weird. As he suddenly came even closer to me, I thought he was going to kiss me, this time for real. I stared him in the eyes as I felt how his nose softly touched mines for a second, and I swallowed.

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