Chapter 32 - Golden skull

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I nibbled my lower lip as I kept staring at the drawings. I didn't notice he was actually staring at me. I inhaled deeply as he began to speak again. I slowly gazed back at his eyes and smiled afterwards.

'We'll just see what happen,' I answered - which was pretty meant as answer on both of the things. About the whole eternity thing and about school. I didn't cared about school at the moment. I actually never did. In my opinion it was a big useless piece of destroying your time.

I inhaled deeply and squeezed his hand again.

'Have you already investigated this place proper? There might be some useful things in here, like more history - perhaps some books or so.'

I gazed around and narrowed my eyes while scanning the cave.

'It's still a wonder that you found this cave, even though you had a map.'


"I've never been anything if not a finding prodigy."

He mentioned, letting do of Alex hand and walking back to the altar.

"However, I haven't researched the place that deeply yet. I've been here only once, as I mentioned, and rather shortly. And there's no doubt the Templar's used this place to hide something. Perhaps it's still here."

He walked around the altar, studying it, and then suddenly put his hands against it to shove it away from it's original spot.


As soon as he took back his hand, I cocked my head while following him with my eyes. I slowly nodded when he said those things. They probably still hid something in here. I inhaled deeply.

'Do you think the knight still has eternity? The Templar with the skull of his Maraclea?'

I narrowed my eyes as I came closer to him. Studying the altar while sniffing. I slowly extended my arms to give him some help and gazed at his face afterwards.

'Sorry, you probably can't know, of course...'

I pressed the altar further away and pursed my lips lightly while staring at the dusty things on it.

'Why are we moving this thing...'


He looked up at Alex for a moment, as if he had asked a question to which the answer was only obvious.

"Of course.. He got eternity. He's at peace now."

He smiled and looked up at the large cross painted at the wall.

"He'll watch down on us, along with the others, and he'll see us succeed."

He smiled, obviously feeling very comfortable with that, and then focused on the altar again until it was moved far enough to reveal a shaft in the ground. He cocked his head and turned to Alex with an amused expression.

"I'll leave the honor of opening it to you."


I gazed up as he answered me, lightly tilting my head and nodding slowly, like his story sounded familiar to me. It was odd, though. He had eternity, but he still died, after all. I followed his gaze as he suddenly looked up, and parted my lips while staring at the painting - listening patiently to his words while nodding slowly again.

'Yeah,' I replied him while smiling weakly on a dreamy way. 'Yeah, they probably do...'

When we seemed to have pushed the altar far enough away, there suddenly revealed a shaft on the ground. I chocked my head as well and narrowed my eyes.

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