Chapter seven - Mocking breakfast

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Nigel flinched lightly when Alex grabbed his arm, an automatic response at Alex grabbing him, for he often did so to hit him right afterwards. He tried not to let Alex notice though and quickly just walked along with him.

If a few days earlier Nigel would have asked Alex to join him for breakfast he would probably have gotten another ''fuck off, freak'' as a rejection. He wondered what changed Alex in recent events, to suddenly be willing to cooperate with him in a way. He didn't want to press his luck, though, so he didn't ask. Some of the other students who were already having breakfast, looked up at the two coming in together, and were just as surprised as Nigel had been, if not worse. No one was crying or looking afraid, though, and there was no sign of a nearing assembly, which probably meant they hadn't found father McDonaldson yet.


As we reached the large dining room I glanced at Nigel a few times, who stared right in front of him with the same emotionless stare as always - till I could catch something up from his lightly raised eyebrows, like he was thinking about something unexpected. I licked my lips and glanced around me. Raj stared at me again, with judgy little eyes like he wanted to rip my head of - which he obviously would not. He was a softy.

'Look at Raj,' I mumbled softly while pursing my lips lightly. 'He's such a dick.'


"And you're not?" Nigel said challengly, grinning at him. He walked to the canteen and got a plate, to have it filled by someone of the kitchen's staff.

"He probably blames you for Josh' dead too. That's why he's avoiding you."

Well obviously Nigel was not the one to mince matters about it.

After he had his plate filled he stepped away so Alex could do the same.

"Is that grudge I hear in your voice, by the way.. My, my, and I kept thinking you couldn't really care about anything."


'He shouldn’t be blaming me. He wasn't even there.'

I pressed my lips and hit my eyes for a moment. Then I took a stand on the place were Nigel had stood to let my plate get filled as well. I tried to smile grateful at the person who stood behind it, but I couldn't.

'Shut up,' I mumbled. 'I think I've to push you from the bed again. I don't really like this part of your freaky personality.'

After we both took a seat on a empty place, I took my fork to poke the dish they had gave me. I was starving, but suddenly it all disappeared after the glance of Raj.

'I don't care about him, by the way. He's a friendless, worthless douchebag.'


Nigel just chuckled at Alex' comment back and headed to the tables after him. He sat down in front of you and started cutting his egg in neat, similar-sized pieces.

"I doubt that'll do the trick, but from the way you insist to push me from your bed would also suggest you want me to sleep in it again." he pointed out.

Nigel looked down at the way Alex poked into his breakfast and raised his eyebrows when he said he didn't care about him.

"Really now? Then why are you stabbing your food like it's not quite dead yet?"


'Yes Nigel, I would love it to have you in my bed every night from now on. Do you promise me you willl?' I raised two eyebrows and pursed my lips lightly when I stared at my food again.

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