Chapter 1 "My Birthday"

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*No One's POV*

Y/n woke up to her favorite song playing as her alarm. She rolled over to the side and covered her head with the blanket. "Wait, it's today!" Y/n exclaimed as she got up quickly and rushed to get ready.

It took a few minutes but she was finally ready as she wore her favorite dress in her favorite color. She grabbed her phone and texted Kevin, her boyfriend.

On her birthday 3 years ago, he asked her to be his girlfriend. They had been official ever since they were 17. Y/n truly believed they were meant for eachother and would spend the rest of their lives together. Unfortunately, she didn't know just how wrong she was.

Y/n texted Kevin asking him if he would show up for their special day and he refused. "It's not a special day Y/n what are you talking about. I have stuff to do with a friend of mine I'll see you tomorrow."

"Rude." Y/n texted back. Kevin had been ignoring her for a few months because he seemed to be planning something for her. Or atleast that's what Y/n believed.

Y/n went out her room and took her phone with her as she went down the stairs to the kitchen. "Happy birthday Y/n!" Her little sister Amelia shouted as she hugged Y/n.

"Thanks Amelia. Do you want to go get some ice cream from the mall to celebrate?" "Heck yeah! Let's go right now!" Amelia shouted as she dragged Y/n out the door.

Y/n laughed as she got dragged by her little sister. She was only 16 but she had some raw strength to drag her big sis like that. Y/n and Amelia made it to the mall and Amelia immediately found the ice cream section.

They chose which flavor of ice cream and payed for it. They were walking home on that cloudy day and Amelia decided to stop at the park on the way back. They sat down and had some ice cream before Y/n felt a drop of water on her nose.

"Amelia it's going to rain soon, we better head home. We can finish the ice cream later." "Aww. Fine then I guess we can wait till we get home." Amelia complained as they got up and continued to walk home.

Just as they went inside, it began to pour rain. Y/n and Amelia laughed and ran upstairs to Y/n's room to watch the rain out their window.

Y/n loved the stars so she got a telescope in her room to see them. Amelia ran over to the telescope and began to use it to see everyone running in the rain trying to get to somewhere.

They both had some good laughs and took turns until Y/n saw something that shocked her. Kevin was kissing someone on his porch. Y/n was devastated.

She stopped laughing and just sat down on her bed not being to comprehend what she just saw. Amelia was confused. Y/n went from laughing to just depressed in seconds.

Amelia looked thru the telescope and saw what Y/n saw. She was pissed to see that. Amelia had seen Y/n and Kevin hang out so many times and it was like they were truly in love. Until now that is.

Amelia grabbed Y/n's phone and called Kevin. He answered and began complaining about how Y/n just ruined the coolness of him and his friend hanging out.

"Shut up you rude arse! Me and Y/n saw you kiss someone else! Who is that girl?!?" Amelia screamed at him. "Amelia stay out of it! Go back to playing with dolls."

"Kevin. Answer her." Y/n said as she got mad. "Fine! Y/n we are over! Jessica is waaaay hotter than you will ever be! Now stop bothering me!" He yelled at her.

Amelia hung up, blocked him and then walked over to Y/n who was on the verge of tears. "It's going to be ok Y/n you don't need him at all!" Amelia said as she hugged Y/n, trying to cheer her up.

Y/n couldn't hold it in anymore and broke out into tears. "I thought he loved me." Y/n said as she sobbed even more. This was heartbreaking news for Y/n.

They had been together for so long that Y/n had grown accustomed to hanging out with him as they went out often and were just a cute couple in general.

That was, until today. Amelia tried to comfort Y/n but it wasn't working. It was Amelia's job to entertain Y/n so their parents would prepare for her birthday but now it was just Amelia trying to distract Y/n from what happened.

Amelia eventually managed to distract her by re-doing her makeup just as it was before Y/n cried her eyes out. Amelia tried to help more but there was only so much she could do after all.

Then, they heard the creak of the front door open.

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