Chapter 4 "Perhaps A New Friend"

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Y/n walked over to Amelia and showed her the note again. They read it and it all made sense. It was the worst riddle they had ever read but atleast it made sense now.

Amelia held the watch and looked at the time. She checked her phone too just to make sure and they were in sync. Same time and even same second. Odd. Y/n grabbed her own phone and did the same.

They were all in sync. The watch was ajusted to her time even before it was in her possession. What does this mean? Did someone know the exact timezone she was in and ajust the watch to it or was it a lucky guess?

Even if it was a guess, it wouldn't be correct down to the second. Right? Many thoughts flew through Y/n's head about how it even got to her house in the first place and what it was doing there.

Who would even possess so much power to make a pocket watch like that? It was no ordinary watch after all. Only someone with a ton of power would be able to create such a thing.

Y/n continued to stare in fascination at the watch as she turned it ever so slowly to see it's shine.

"Y/n? Y/n! Are you dead?!?"

Y/n jumped up out of shock. "I'm fine!" Y/n quickly replied.

"Are you ok? You just quit doing anything and was just staring at that watch." Amelia said as she put her hand on Y/n's shoulder.

"I'm perfectly fine. I was just wondering how this watch came to be in my possession and how it was created. It does have quite an amazing glow to it too." Y/n replied as she once again stared at the watch.

Amelia got up, pat Y/n on the back and simply left. Y/n knew about this all too well. Amelia usually did this when she was going to go plan something.

And by the fact that Y/n got a magic pocket watch and mentioned it just minutes before Amelia left, Y/n knew that she was plotting to do something with it.

Or maybe even steal it. She wouldn't though, right? They had known eachother their entire life and were always looking out for eachother, helping and giving when they could.

Amelia wouldn't backstab her like that right? They were family after all. But then again, just because they were family didn't mean they wouldn't do that to eachother.

Y/n just didn't think Amelia would do such a thing. Y/n eventually left her thoughts behind and took the pocket watch up with her as she went to her room.

Y/n went into her room, closed the door behind her then went over to her pc to relax a bit. She normally played videogames to relax from a stressful day and this was one of those days.

Y/n sat down at her pc and moved closer before turning on her pc and began to start up her favorite videogame, Minecraft.

It quickly loaded up and she waited as she logged on her favorite server that she normally played on. As Y/n was about to go down to the mines to get some iron, her phone rang.

Y/n quickly reached over and picked up her phone from the desk near her. It wasn't a number she recognized. She decided, why not answer? What could possibly to answer one call?

Y/n answered and heard a male voice on the other end. "Uh, hello?" They said. "Hello? Who is this?" Y/n asked. "Is this Ranboo's friend?"

"Um. No. This is Y/n. Who even is this?" Y/n asked confused. "This is Clay, I'm sorry for calling you, it was an accident." Clay replied.

"It's ok. No need to apologize. I'm going to get back to playing Minecraft if you don't mind." Y/n said as she was about to press the hanging up button.



"So you play Minecraft Y/n?"

"Yeah. I like to play it a ton. What about you Clay?"

"I love to play it too! I actually stream and upload it on YouTube too! Would you like to play some Minecraft with me?"

"Sure I guess. Would you like to play on this server I'm on?"

"Sure! Do you have discord so we can talk on there? We can do a voice call on there instead Y/n"

"Alright let me text you my discord name and tag."

Y/n texted Clay her discord name and tag and he sent her a friend request. She accepted it and they both hug up before calling eachother on discord.

Perhaps Y/n found a new friend to hang out with.

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