Chapter 37 "Into The Portal"

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"Well, this class is almost over, I better get going to my next class."

"And be early? What are you, a nerd?"


"Midnight, I don't think she has many friends to hang out with or skip class with."

"Oh right.
Sorry Amelia."

"It's fine. I'm used to being laughed at for having no friends."

"How about to cheer you up, we get rid of Jessica? She hurt Y/n and I'm dying to get some revenge."

"Well she is rude. I also want to get some revenge on her."

What class will she be in?"

"My class unfortunately."

"Hey freak!
Who are you talking to?
Your imaginary friends?"

Oh wait, you have no friends! Not even imaginary ones! Bahahaha!"

"And there is she is."
Amelia muttered.

"Nightmare, open a portal near her. We are pushing her thru it."

"Ah the classic.
How I missed doing this."
Nightmare said as he ran down the stairs and went over next to them.

Nightmare did as Midnight had said and opened a portal. Midnight ran down the stairs and Amelia followed after her.

"Why the hell are you approaching me you freak?!?"

"I'm following my friend."

"You have no friends bi-
What the hell is this portal?"

"I dunno. Look a little closer."
Amelia said as Jessica's back was turned towards her.

Amelia approached her cautiously.
She wanted revenge.
And she was going to get it.

As Jessica got closer to the portal and began to look inside it more, Amelia came up from behind and pushed her in with all her force, tripping due to how much force she applied.

Midnight quickly grabbed Amelia and pulled her back, saving her from almost falling into the portal.
The three of them watched as Jessica screamed from inside the void and continued to fall.

Then, her body began to give away as if she was in acid.
Amelia was horrified but continued to watch as curiosity and fear got the best of her.

Amelia was frozen in fear, watching as this took place. Finally, when Jessica's screams were no more aswell as her, Amelia took a few steps back.

Did I kill someone?"
Amelia asked shakily.

"No no, you got what we call, revenge."

"This doesn't feel as heroic as I thought it would. I thought I would feel good for doing some revenge on Y/n's behalf but..."

"It doesn't feel like you did the right thing?"

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