Chapter 38 "Scaring The Class"

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With Midnight,

"Why does it take so long to run back home?!?
You would think it was easy!
And where the fuck did Nightmare go? He was supposed to be coming with me.

Whatever. Who cares about him. He doesn't need to know where we live.

Midnight made it to the front of the house and stopped at the door to catch her breath.

Need to catch my breath. Like you just narrated."

Anyways, she phased through the door and went up to their room.
Midnight quickly packed the clothes and wrote a note:

"Mum, I'm going to stay at a friend's place tonight to watch some movies.
I made sure to get a spare change of clothes and leave you this note.

I thought Amelia would want to come with so, I'm bringing her with me.
I got a spare change of clothes for her too and will take her to school tomorrow as usual.

I'm sorry this was on such short notice but I wanted to hang out with my new friend a lot.

-Love, Y/n and Amelia"

"Phew. Ok, I wrote the note and got the clothes. They better give me all the snacks now."

Midnight left the note on the counter and left out the door.
Just as Midnight left, Y/n's mother walked down the stairs.

"Who was that?"

"No idea. Is she your daughter's friend?"

"I have no idea.
What did she leave on the counter?
I think it was a note."

Yep, it's a note.
Oh, your daughters are staying at a friend's house to watch movies."

Let me see that note."
She said as she took the note from their hands.

"It does look like they will be staying for the night."


"No need to be upset about it.
It would however explain why that girl took a bag of clothing with her."

"I guess it does make sense."

"Well, I guess we have the house to ourselves."

"Should we call over your sister?
She is young but man does she know how to par-tay!"

"You mean party.
She does throw some very fun party's.
This isn't one though.
We will invite her to have some tea and catch up on our lives."

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