Chapter 14 "Yeeting Of The Alarm Clock"

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Y/n woke up to the sound of her alarm going off. The most annoying thing she ever knew. She hit the alarm clock and it stopped for a second, just long enough for Y/n to have rolled over.

The alarm clock went off again and louder this time. Y/n reached over her shoulder, grabbed the alarm clock and yeeted it out her door. It bounced off the doorframe, then the wall before tumbling down the stairs, still beeping.

There was a sound of an average crash and the beeping stopped. Y/n snickered to herself before she heard someone yell.

"Y/N! That better not have been you again!"

It was her mother. She must have been on the sofa in the living room.

"No mum!" She replied as she sleepily got up out of bed. She rubbed her eyes and went over to her desk. Y/n grabbed the hairbrush next to her pc and began to brush her hair as the pc turned on.

It was a normal thing for her to do. Wake up, play games, eat breakfast and mess around for the rest of the day. The pc turned on and Y/n opened Minecraft before heading downstairs to eat and pick up the alarm clock once again.

This wasn't the first time she had such a good aim for it to tumble down the stairs. Y/n watched carefully where she stepped and picked up pieces of the clock as she went down the stairs.

What a mess. Atleast she knew how to fix the clock right? Nope. That meant that no matter how many times she broke it, she would have to fix it.

Y/n finally got to the bottom of the stairs and saw the alarm clock splattered on the ground. She sighed and picked up the pieces before going to the kitchen counter and put the pieces on there.

She walked over to the living room and found a plate full of breakfast waiting for her. Y/n dug into the food and watched the TV since her mother was watching it too.

Y/n finished her food and took the plate to the sink where she washed it and went up the stairs, alarm clock pieces in hand. She knocked on Amelia's door too.

"Hey Amelia! Breakfast is ready!" Y/n yelled as she walked into her own room. As soon as she stepped foot in her room, Amelia bust out her own room and ran downstairs.

Y/n went over to her desk and opened a drawer full of mechanical parts and tools. She got out a few things and began to repair the clock once again.

She knew how to fix it all too well. This wasn't even the first alarm clock she had. There were many before that one. But this one somehow, survived for the longest.

There was even a small book that Y/n kept with written records of all the clocks she had broken. Each one even got their own name. And not just any name, an annoying one, to fit the clock perfectly.

It all began when she got her first alarm clock. She gave it a annoying name since she thought it deserved it. Everyone thought it was because she loved the clock but it was the exact opposite.

So, each time she named it, everyone thought she loved it. After two or three years of doing that, it was custom for her to do so just to mess with everyone.

As Y/n remembered about the history of her alarm clocks, she finished fixing the clock. Y/n sighed and put it back on her nightstand before going back over to her pc.

Everything had now loaded up so Y/n joined her favorite server and began to finish her iron farm. And while Y/n built it, Clay logged on.

Y/n was unfortunately too invested in her building that she didn't even realize that Clay had logged on.

Clay ran over to her and watched as Y/n continued to build, oblivious to his presence. Only Clay knows how long he stood there without Y/n noticing.

"Hey you fucking idiot."

"What do you want this time?"

"Look to your left."

"No not irl you moron. In game!"

"Oh! Clay is here! Since when?"

"Like an hour. I can't believe you didn't notice."

"An hour?!? No way!"

Y/n did a /msg to Clay and he replied. "Yeah I have been here for quite awhile." She gasped. "I didn't see you there. How?" She asked him.

"No idea. So, do you need help building this iron farm?"

"Yes please. How about we call so it's easier to communicate?"

"Sure, I don't mind." Clay replied right as he called Y/n on discord. She quickly picked up and they began to chit chat away about the iron farm and what they had been up to recently.

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