Chapter 41 "Don't Round Up Like That"

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30 Minutes later, Midnight was just about done cooking the pancakes.

"I'm almost done Y/n, get the maple syrup out of the fridge."

"Almost? Really?"
Y/n complained as she got the maple syrup out.

"Oh shut up. I've been cooking the last like 20 pancakes. The last 28 to be exact."
Midnight said proudly at the end.

"Last 28? You have only cooked 26 out of the 28."

"I rounded it up."

"That's not how you round up the numbers."

"Yes it is."

"No it isn't."

"In this case, yes."

"In every case, no."

"You are just a hater."

"Yeah, I hate how you round up the numbers.
If you did it correctly, we would be arguing over the fact that you didn't cook that many pancakes instead of the fact that you round it up terribly."

"You bore me."

"You bi-!"

If I can't say that word, you can't either."

"I bet I can say it."

"I bet you can't say it. Timmy could curse with a similar word but you can't say this word."

"Watch me."

"Uh huh. Go ahead then."

"I will!"

"Then say it."

"I don't want Amelia to accidentally overhear me say it though."

"Just face it, neither of us can actually say it without being cut off by someone."

"I don't get cut off by anyone."

"I cut you off literally less than 5 minutes ago."

"Doesn't count since you are me and not another person."


"You say it then."

"Nah, I will get in trouble for it by you, Amelia or the writer."

"Just say it so quickly that they can't understand it or really hear it."

"That's easy against you and Amelia but..."

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