Tahoe(JR) - PT 1

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"Come ooooon Y/N! You have wanted to go on this trip for months!" Your best friend Amanda was sitting next to in the driver seat of her Malibu. She was tapping your left leg repeatedly. "Plus you haven't been able to stop talking about going jet skiing since we booked this trip." She grabs your chin and pulls it to look at her.

"There may be hot guys there. Someone to get you out of this funk." She motions with her hand circling the air in front of your body.

"I know, I know, I just don't feel like it anymore. When Brad broke it off with me last week I lost all will to be anywhere in a bathing suit or in front of other people." You cross your arms placing you right foot up on the dash.

"Hey! No shoes on my dash!" She pulls the car over to the side of the back two-lane road. Turning to you she takes your left hand in her hands. "Look I know how hard this is going to be, but I won't leave you alone. This is a besties vaca!"

You nod your head up and down once then look out the passenger window and she begins to pull back out onto the road. You both scream when she hits the breaks as a loud horn is blown and one of those large Jeep trucks swerves to avoid hitting you.

"JERK!" She leans out the window flipping the driver off.

"Its ok Am, just get us there in one piece." Turning to look past her to make sure the road was clear so she didn't kill either of you, you tap her shoulder as a go ahead.


The car pulls into a small mountain town and she stops to get gas, you step out of the car and walk inside to get drinks and a snack, you were starving. A few minutes later she walks in and finds you standing in front of the drink cooler. You are startled as she grabs you by both arms and shakes you violently.

"Y/N! HEY!" She keeps shaking you until you turn to look at her. Her face was lit up like fireworks lit off in her brain.

"Yes, WHAT?" Turning to face her she grabs your face and turns it to look out the windows of the dimly lit gas station. Your eyes grow as wide as dinner plates as your bottom jaw drops.

Out the window was that same vehicle she almost creamed a couple hours ago. It was parked on the opposite side of the pump she parked on. The driver door opens and a tall dark haired man steps out to start pumping his gas. He turns back to his door and you catch a glimpse of his face. You suck in a breath as your heart skips a beat.

"Do you know who that is AM?" You turn to her and catch yourself starting to have a mini panic attack.

"NO! He's the Ass that almost killed us." She turns to the cooler and grabs a couple drinks for the both of you. "Come on, we need to get back on the read. Check in is at 3." She walks off toward the counter to pay for the drinks, as you stand there frozen in your tracks. "Y/N! Lets gooooo!!!"

You rush up to her side clinging onto her arm trying to hide yourself from view. "What are you doing?" Looking down at you she shrugs you off of her.

"That's Jeremy Renner! No FUCKING WAY!" You start to feel the panic attack hitting you again.

"Chillax chica! He's not that good looking." She leans back slightly to get a better view of him. "OW!"

You smacked her in the arm as you grab your drink off the counter. The cashier was giggling at you two.

"He comes in every once in a while. He's a nice guy. My advice?" She leans down motioning for you to come closer. "Just act normal, we are all people no matter what we do for a living." She turns to go back to stocking something behind her.

"See, act normal." She draws out the normal, making you feel like you have been acting like a crazed kid.

"Yeah, yeah!" You follow her out to the car as she places the nozzle back in the holder of the pump.

"You two should be more careful driving these back roads." A smooth raspy voice comes from the other side of the pump.

You drop your drink and the glass shatters all over the ground at your feet. "SHIT!"

Leaning down to pick up the broken glass you watch as a shadow comes up behind you and you see another set of hands reach down to help you clean up your mess. You were sure you were blushing at this point. Mentally kicking yourself for how clumsy you had been.

"You don't have to do that. I can clean up my mess." Walking over to the trashcan next to the front of Amanda's car you toss the glass away.

"It's not a big deal. Where are you gals headed anyways? Not from around here?" He points to her Texas plates and you look down at them.

"We are headed to Tahoe! Much needed water time, plus this one says she wants to ride a jet ski." Am speaks up a little louder than I would have liked. She always had a problem with volume control.

"Really? Maybe I'll see you out there this weekend." He turns to you and gives you a wink then walks back over to his vehicle.

Your heart has stopped! You were pretty sure you were not breathing, not until Amanda appeared in front of your face giving you a weird look.

"Y/N lets go! We have already lost time and I'm not missing out on lake time because of your little fascination."

Walking back to the passenger side of the car you watch as he pulls out of the gas station. He flashes you that smile you had seem a million times in movies and pictures, but in real life, it melted you into a puddle on the floor. Then with a small wave he takes off down the road. You jump into the car and melt into the seat.

"You good over there?" She puts the car in drive then speeds off down the road in the same direction he had just left.

"Yeah, I think." Concentrating on the road ahead of you was the only thing you could focus on.

"T-minus 1 hour and we are there! No work, no worries, and no-" She turns to look at you. "Boys!"

"Hey don't look at me, I didn't plan to run into him. You were the one who almost hit his car." You punch her lightly in the arm.

"Yeah, yeah, and if I hadn't then you would have never met him." She smiles at you and pushes the car faster down the winding road.

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