His Brat - Clint

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"Barton? Are you listening?" Fury leans over the end of the table staring at Clint.

Clint was looking down at his phone as his eyes widen with surprise. You had been keeping your relationship secret for a few weeks now, due to the issues it may cause with the team.

"Yeah." He looks over the top of his phone, and then sets it back in his lap. The pictures you had sent him had his mind everywhere else but this meeting.

"Do you mind keeping your brain here in the meeting?" Fury stands back up continuing the debriefing.

"What has you distracted?" Tony leans over toward him raising his eyebrow above his rose tinted glasses.

"Nothing, just a friend." Clint grabs his phone and shoves it into his front pocket.

"Alright, you all have your duties, now get to it." Fury drops a few folders on the table then turns to head out the door.

"What's her name?" Tony spins to look at him full on now.

"It's nothing Tony. I've got to go." Clint stands up and walks past Nat who narrows her eyes at him.

"Yeah, it's a girl." She looks over at Tony smirking.

"Figures." Tony shrugs his shoulders.



You look down at your phone and see that he has finally replied to the picture you sent him.

You are gonna get it now. What have I told you about sending me these things in my meetings?

A cheesy smile creeps up on your face as you stand in front of your full length mirror admiring the black lace hugging your figure. You knew that it would cause a distraction, but what came afterwards would make it well worth it.

You grab your phone and start to type a reply.

That I need to behave, but being a brat is way too much fun

You pose in the mirror and take another sexy photo, sending it to him. Playing some music on your phone you set it on the nightstand as you lay across your bed. You run your fingers down your side, closing your eyes, imagining his hands there instead of yours. As you were lost in thought there was a light knock on your door.

"Who is it?" You call out across the room.

"It's me." Natasha's soft voice floated through the air.

Scrambling off the bed you race over to your closet and throw on the first hoodie you could get your hands on, then slipping on your sandals you race over to the door.

"Hey Nat, what's up?" You slip open the door.

"Can we talk?" She slips in the room as you turn around closing the door behind you.

"I mean I guess." You walk over to the bed and sit down on the edge watching her pace the room.

She turns to face you and crosses her arms. "So........." She leans her head to the side. "How long have you and Clint been going on?"

"What? We aren't.... What are you talking about?" You blurt out avoiding her gaze.

"Oh come on! I'm his best friend, and I would like to think we have become pretty close." She walks over to sit next to you. "You know I wouldn't tell a soul."

You look down at the floor as a long sigh escapes your mouth. "I'm sorry Nat. How did you find out?" You look over at her with a slight sadness in your eyes.

"Former assassin...I'm a spy remember?" She wraps her arm around you pulling you closer to her. "I mean if it had to be anyone, I'm glad it's you."

"Thanks Nat." You lay your head on her shoulder as you hear a DING come from your phone. Standing up you walk over and pick it up to read the message.

I've got a few minutes, better be ready for me

Clutching your phone to your chest you look over at Nat as a slight blush creeps up over your cheeks. She smirks as she stands back up. "I know that look. You play safe now. I'll see you later." She walks toward the door, opening it as she turns to look at you again. With a wink she slips out closing it behind her.

PART 2???????

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