Nightmares - BB

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There was a rustling in the bed next you that jolted you awake. Bucky had been having crazy nightmares the past week and all you could do was try to be there for him. Reaching over you place your hand on his right arm, gently trying to wake him. His whole body tenses at your touch as he rolls over and pins you to the mattress with his meal hand around your neck. There was rage in his eyes, but you could see the fear behind it.

"Bucky, it's just me. You're hurting me." Placing your hand on the side of his face you watched as the anger melted away and the fear took over.

He lets go of your neck and jumps off the bed, backing himself into the corner sliding down to the floor. He covers his face with his hands as you hear his breathing become rapid.

"Bucky! Hey, no, no, no." You rush over to his side and wrap your arms around him slowly rocking him back and forth.

He wraps his arms around you burying his face into your neck. You could hear the sniffles coming from him as his body relaxed into you.

"I'm sorry. I told you I would hurt you. We can't be together if I can't control myself." He looks up at you as a single tear rolls down his left cheek.

You lean back placing both your hands around his face, wiping the tear away with your thumb. "Don't say that! I love you and nothing will change that."

A slight smile creeps up on his face as he pulls you into him, hugging you hard. You stand up reaching your hand down toward him. He takes it and stands up following you over to the bed. You lay down patting the bed next to you. He lays back down placing his head on your chest. You could hear the ragged breathing as you started to hum a sweet melody. Running your hands through his hair you could hear sigh of contentment from him.

"I love you sugar." He whispers to you as he places his right arm over your stomach pulling you closer to him.

"I love you babe." You lean down and kiss the top of his head. "Get some sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up."

You continue to run your hand through his hair until the both of you were soundly asleep.

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