Payback - CB/BB

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You open your eyes and stretch your arms over your head. Looking over at the empty side of the bed next to you, you sigh out in frustration. "I'm gonna kill him." You whisper to yourself as you get up and start to get dressed. Grabbing your phone off the nightstand you dial his number and it goes straight to voicemail.

"Grrrrr!" You grit your teeth as the anger boils up inside of you.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. where is my husband?" You call out to the panel on the wall.

"Last I could see him he was walking into the training room with Ms. Romanoff."

"Oh really? On today of all days he is going to be up early with her." You pulled on your hoodie and stormed out the door letting it slam behind you.

"Good morning Y/N." Steve was a little too chipper for your liking. You run into him as you stormed past. "Whoa, bad dream?" He calls out after you.

"Bite me!" You yell over your shoulder.

As you round the corner to the hallway leading to the training room you see Bucky leaning against the doorway watching something. You stop next to him, hoping to get a feel good vibe from your best friend, but your rage only flares more when you see what he was looking at.

Through the tall window you could see Clint and Nat sparing in the far left corner. She had thrown her legs around his neck and pulled him to the ground. Clint had a huge shit-eating grin on his face as he lay there not even fighting back.

"I'm so over this." You grumble under your breath.

"You should have seen them 20 minutes ago." Bucky turns his head to look down at you with a concerned look. "Hey, what's going on?" He turns his body to face you and places a finger under your chin pulling your face up to look at him.

"I'm pissed!" You look up into his clear blue eyes and start to feel a sense of calming wash over you. "Today is our anniversary and instead of being there for me this morning, he is wrapped up in her legs and all cheesy grinned and googly eyed about it." You huff out crossing your arms.

"Oh, that's today huh? Damn, well I was going to say you two needed to talk after what I saw earlier, but today would not be the day to do that. I don't want to be scraping Barton off the floor." He rubs the back of his neck nervously.

"Bucky? What do you mean?" You uncross your arms and grab a fistful of his shirt pulling him closer to you.

"Maybe you should ask him." He darts his eyes to the right looking at the two still tangled in each other. "I'm not going to cause issues in your relationship." He grabs your hand with his metal hand and pulls you off of his shirt. Then he turns to walk away.

"James! Tell me NOW!" Your voice echoed on that last word making everyone in the training room look in your direction. A group of new agents collected their things and hurried out of the room past you and Bucky. Clint and Nat both jumped apart as Clint rushed over to the sound of your voice.

"Now's your chance." Bucky goes to walk off, but you follow him. Having to lightly jog to keep up with his brisk super soldier pace you pull on his arm and manage to get him to stop. Standing in front of him you could see Clint in the doorway of the training room with a confused look on his face.

"You are my best friend, and I want nothing more than honesty." You place a hand on his chest looking up at his face. He wouldn't make eye contact with you. You knew when he did that he had something he was hiding. "Buck, please, tell me what's going on." You pleaded with him.

"Look all I saw was the end of something, nothing more, but don't bite my head off when it blows up in your face." He wipes his face with his right hand and looks down at you. The concern on his face was starting to worry you.

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