Payback Pt 2 - CB/BB

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You and Bucky get to your favorite little bistro. Grabbing the table in the corner the waiter comes over and takes your orders then walks off. You pull your phone out of your pocket and place it on the table. It starts to ring for the 100th time in the past hour. You look down and see the picture you had saved for Clint's contact. It was you kissing his cheek with him smiling ear to ear. That date night was magical. He had taken you downtown New York and planned a candle lit dinner then an hour-long carriage ride through the park. It was amazing, but thinking bout the events that have happened you smashed your finger on the reject button. The call ends and a notification pops up showing 47 missed calls. Below that there was a string of messages from him and Nat both. The fact that she had the nerve to try and text you made your ears burn.

"Why don't you just turn it off?" Bucky finally speaks after he had been quiet as a mouse after that kiss.

"I can't. I use it for work too. Plus I have a meeting with Tony and Fury later." You look down as the phone lit up again with the same picture. You pressed the end call button.

Bucky reaches into his pocket and pulls out his old flip phone and flips it open answering a call. "Yes?" You could hear the irritation in his voice, as there was a muffled voice on the other end of the line. "I don't think she wants to talk to you right now. Best to let her cool off." You watch as his face turns into a scowl. "Then you can explain to Tony why she is late." He slams the phone closed and shoves it back into his jacket pocket.

You look across the table with a sullen look on your face. "Well? What did he say?"

"She. She said she needs to talk to you to get the facts straight. Apparently what I saw with my own two eyes isn't the full story." He grabs the coffee cup in front of him, rolling his eyes, and then downs half of the cup.

Your breakfast arrived and you dove in headfirst. You were starving, after a week of your nerves winning and Clint missing half of your planned dinners, you needed sustenance. Your phone started ringing again, but this time the ring tone was different. Back in Black started screaming from the phone speaker and you knew instantly who it was. Looking down at the phone you could see it was a Face time call. Of course it would be. You pick it up placing it in front of you pressing the answer button.

"Barton? That's still weird. Y/N, where are you? We have a meeting in like 20 minutes and you are not on the compound. Care to explain why?" He was walking down one of the halls wearing a 3-piece suit. Always dressing up for no reason. Typical Tony.

"Maybe you need to be filled in on the current affairs. Ask the other Barton. I'm at breakfast with Bucky. I'll be back in a couple hours." You place a fork full of food into your mouth, as he got closer to the camera.

"Is that Barton?" You hear Fury's voice in the background and he grabs Tony's phone getting way too close to the camera. "No excuses, you need to be here now!"

"That's not possible. I'm in town an hour away." You continue to eat your food as you watch Fury's face twist up in frustration.

"Like I told Tony, ask the other Barton what's going on and I'll be there in a couple hours." You set your fork down and grab your coffee taking a sip.

"There he is! Barton!" You hear Tony call out across the hall. He grabs the phone from Fury and holds it up to look at your face. "Whatever this lovers quarrel is, you two need to fix it. We need the team in tip top shape for this mission tomorrow."

"It's not that simple Tony." You hear Natasha's voice through the phone as your finger hits the end call button.

Slamming your phone down you grip onto the edge of the table as your breathing became labored. You could feel your blood boiling.

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