Is This The End? - Bucky

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Reaching down in front of you, you turn the tap off. Watching the water run down into the drain, you look up into your reflection in the mirror. Dropping your shoulders. You turn around to see Bucky sitting on the edge of the bed facing away from you. His head was in his hands, and you could tell there was something eating at him.

"Can you try to talk to me?" Taking a step out of the bathroom. "Please?"

You notice the muscles in his back tense as he leans forward to stand up. He still won't look at you, and it was killing you!

"BUCKY, PLEASE!" You shout across the room. "What is going on?" Taking a few more steps in his direction, he holds out a hand toward you. This stops you in your tracks. He has always had his moody days, but this was different.

"I can't do this anymore..." The words were no more than a whisper. He grabs his leather jacket, then his keys off the dresser. Turing toward the bedroom door, he stops for just a second before he says, "I'm sorry."

"What? Wait!" You rush over in his direction, but he was already out the door. Standing in the doorway, you watch as he walks away from you down the dark hallway.

"BUCKY! DON'T SHUT ME OUT!" Yelling at him as he doesn't even acknowledge your words.

Then there is was, the sharp pain in your chest. The feeling of your heart shattering into a million pieces. Sliding down the door frame, your knees hit the hard floor. You didn't even notice the pain shooting up your legs as you fell into a heap on the floor. Tears pour from your eyes as your mouth falls open, but no sound comes out.

"Y/N? Are you ok?" Natasha's gentle voice flooded your ears, but you couldn't pull yourself out of the puddle you fell into.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" She was on her knees next to you with her arm across your back. "What happened?" She helped you up off the floor, walking you back into your room. You both sit on the end of the bed as she pulls you into a tight hug. Her breath was steady, and her arms were warm. It was the first loving hug you have had in a long time.

"Bucky's gone. I dont think he's coming back." Your tears now staining her silk shirt.

"What do you mean? He always comes back." She pulls you away, brushing your hair out of your face. "Just give him some space." Running her thumb across your face, she wipes a lone tear.

"I don't think so, Nat. This was different." A shaky breath comes from you as your muscles tense at the thought of him never coming back.

"Give it time. You will see!" She smiles at you and pulls you in for a tight hug. "Try to get some rest. We have work in the morning."

She stands up and walks out of the room, leaving you there with your thoughts. After a few minutes, you get up and grab your phone off the nightstand. Pulling up your contacts, you debate whether to call him or not. No, it will only make things worse for you when he snaps at you through the phone. Scrolling down the list, your thumb lands on Steve's name. Pushing the call button, you place the phone up to your ear. Knowing with it being midnight, he may not answer. It rings twice, then a groggy voice answers.

"Hello?" A pang of guilt hits your stomach as you could tell u woke him up.

"I'm sorry, Steve, I shouldn't have woken you up." You blurt out the words as you pull the phone away from your face.

"No, no, no, what is it, Y/N? Are you ok? Is Bucky?" You could hear the concern in his voice as he says Bucky's name.

There was silence on your end of the phone as your stomach dropped to your feet. The last thing you wanted to do was involve Steve in your drama with Bucky. Your breath was shallow, and your hands were clamy.

"Y/A?" You could tell that he was awake now, and you really needed to answer.

"Uh, yeah." You could feel the burning in your eyes as you try to hold back the tears again.

"What's going on?" He always sounded to stern for your liking, but this was so calm. He truly was worried.

"Bucky....." Your voice trailed off as his name came out of your mouth.

"What about Bucky?" You could hear shuffling on the other end of the line. It sounded like he was shuffling out of bed. "Y/A, what about Bucky?" His voice was more stern this time.

"He's gone." The words came out, but you couldn't believe you said them.

"What do you mean he's gone? Where did he go?" The shuffling got louder on the phone. "He didn't?"

"He left me Steve..." The tears were falling again, hitting your bare leg.

"How long ago did he leave?" Steve was now on his feet moving around in his room.

"30 minutes...or so, I don't know." Laying back onto the bed, you roll over onto your side, pulling your knees up to your chest.

"Rest! I'll go find him." His words were no more soothing than Nat's hug earlier. Nothing was going to fill this hole that Bucky left.

"Steve, he said he was done. Nothing will change his mind." Your words were barely audible through the sobs.

"I told you when you two got together, things like this will happen, but I will always be there to slap him back into reality. He just needs to know that you are the best thing to happen to him in years. Decades even." A slight chuckle came through the phone.

"Ok..." You whisper back.

"Please. Y/N, rest! I'll call you when I know more." The line disconnected as the phone fell from your hand. It slipped between your pillows as your hands covered your face. The burning from the tears was now spreading over your face. You bury your head into the pillows, trying to muffle the cries.

This was not like the last times he left. Something about how he left felt so final. What if Steve can't convince him to come back? What if he never wants to see me again? How do I live without the other half of my heart?

The thoughts spinning in your head, mixed with the crying, had pulled all of the remaining energy left in you. Finally, letting go and slipping into the dark abyss of sleep was the only thing to block the pain right now. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better day.

PART 2???

Sorry for being so sporadic with my stories. I've been dealing with a lot of life changes recently, and I've been fighting some bad mental health issues. I'm going to try to bring back some of my shorts and hope that it helps..

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