Breaking the tension-Bucky

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The Avengers Compound buzzed with activity as you walked through the expansive halls, your footsteps echoing on the polished floors. As a new agent assigned to assist with missions and operations, you felt a mix of excitement and nervousness. The compound was a marvel of modern technology and design, a hub of global security and superhero headquarters all rolled into one.

Your first week had been a whirlwind of introductions, training sessions, and briefings. You had met most of the team, including Natasha Romanoff, Tony Stark, and Steve Rogers. Each of them had been welcoming in their own way, though adjusting to the pace and expectations of the compound was challenging.

The tension between you and James "Bucky" Barnes, however, was a different story. From the moment you first met, there had been an unmistakable friction. Bucky was often reserved, his past haunting him in ways you couldn't fully understand, and it seemed he wasn't thrilled about the new addition to the team.

"Hey, new kid," Tony Stark called out as you entered the common area one morning. "Ready for your first mission briefing?"

You nodded, feeling a knot of nerves in your stomach. "Yes, Mr. Stark."

"Tony," he corrected with a grin. "Mr. Stark is my dad. Come on, the others are waiting."

You followed Tony into the briefing room, where Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Bucky were already seated around a large table. Bucky's eyes flicked up to meet yours briefly before he looked away, his expression unreadable.

"Alright, team," Steve began, standing at the head of the table. "We have a situation in Eastern Europe. There's been some suspicious activity that could be tied to HYDRA remnants. We need to investigate and neutralize any threats."

As Steve laid out the mission details, you couldn't help but glance at Bucky occasionally. He seemed focused on the briefing, but there was a tension in his posture that you couldn't ignore. When Steve finished, he assigned roles and tasks to each team member.

"You," Steve said, pointing at you. "You'll be working with Bucky on recon. We need eyes on the ground to assess the situation before we move in."

You swallowed hard, feeling the weight of Bucky's gaze on you. "Understood, Captain."

After the briefing, you gathered your gear and headed to the jet with the rest of the team. As you boarded, Bucky walked over to you, his expression hard to read.

"Listen," he said quietly, his voice low and intense. "Just stay out of my way, and we'll get through this."

You bristled at his tone but kept your composure. "I'm here to do a job, same as you. Let's just focus on the mission."

Bucky's jaw tightened, but he didn't respond. Instead, he turned and headed to his seat, leaving you feeling a mix of frustration and determination.

The flight to Eastern Europe was tense, with little conversation. You ran through the mission details in your head, mentally preparing for what lay ahead. When the jet finally touched down, you and Bucky disembarked and made your way through the dense forest towards the target location.

"We need to be quiet and stay low," Bucky instructed, his tone professional but distant. "Follow my lead."

You nodded, keeping your irritation in check. "Got it."

The two of you moved silently through the trees, using the cover of darkness to approach the compound where the suspected HYDRA activity was taking place. As you reached a vantage point overlooking the area, Bucky signaled for you to stop.

"Look," he whispered, pointing to a group of armed guards patrolling the perimeter. "We'll have to take them out quietly."

You nodded, signaling that you understood. As you moved into position, you couldn't shake the feeling that Bucky was scrutinizing your every move, waiting for you to make a mistake.

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