Tahoe(JR) - PT2

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"Do you even know where you're going?" You turn to Amanda with a concerned look on your face.

The two of you have been driving for the past hour and a half and still had not made it to the cabin. There was nothing around but trees and more trees. You pull out your phone and see that you have no service.

"I don't know. Maybe we missed a turn. Or maybe this is it."

There was a clearing up ahead on the right. She makes the turn onto the gravel road and continues driving aimlessly. You notice that the road was winding up into the hills, this wasn't right. When you booked this cabin it didn't show that it was that far off the beaten path.

"Maybe we should turn around?" You scan the area up ahead and notice there was a Gate like for a private property. "AM! Turn around before you get us shot!" You go to grab the wheel and the car spins out as she hits the breaks.

"What the hell Y/N? Are YOU trying to get us killed now?" She slams the car in park and turns to you bout to lay into you when there was a knock on her window.

The two of you turn to see what kind of hills have eyes BS she has gotten you two into and your met with those amazing green eyes again. FUCK! Now he probably thinks we are some sorts of stalkers and we are going to be arrested. She rolls down her window as she grips the steering wheel with her right hand. She was nervous; this made you giggle to yourself.

"Well, well, well, either you two are lost or one could think they were being followed." He laughs at his own joke then leans down placing his arms on the open window.

"Lost, definitely lost." She was not able to make eye contact with him. You could tell from the bright shade of pink flushing on her cheeks that she was clearly embarrassed.

"Where are you two looking for? Maybe I could help you get there. I pretty much know this area like the back of my hand." He flashes that smile at you again and chuckles.

"There is a cabin up in this area we rented for the weekend but I don't have service to get directions to come up." You hold up your phone like you lost all ability how to act normal.

"I have service at the top of the hill if you ladies want to come up for a minute. I promise I don't bite." He stands up to head back to his ATV that was parked over by the gate.

"Maybe I like biting." You say under your breath.

"Y/N!" She snaps her head to you and gives you the WTH look.

"Hey, you're the one who is white as a ghost right now. At least its not some serial killer." You throw your head back and laugh. She was not amused.

Watching him through the window, he unlocks the gate and pulls it open for her to drive through. As you were passing the gate you rolled your window down.

"Just head to the top of the hill, right before you hit the driveway you should get a decent signal." He waves you on as he jumps on his ATV and breezes past the car up the hill.

"Well now what? You look like a stalker fan girl!" Am looks at you as she drives up the hill.

"Don't remind me." You bury your face in your hands.

As you reach the top of the hill both of your phones start going off with notifications. You pull up the maps app and check for the directions. "Shit! We missed it 10 miles back." As you screen shot the directions she starts to turn the car around to head down the hill.

Jeremy was jogging up to the passenger side of the car and you grabbed her arm as she slammed on the breaks making gravel fly out from the tires.

"Did you figure it out?" He leans down into the window next to you. You could smell him now, the sweet scent of musky sweat, and you had to do everything to keep from biting your lip.

"Yeah its ten miles back up the road." You don't move a muscle. Probably look like a weird statue, but that was all you could do.

"Be careful, lots of wildlife out here this time of year. I hope you ladies came prepared." He picks up his right hand off the car and wipes the sweat from his face.

"We have bear spray. It's not like we are going to be wandering the woods at night mister." Am snaps at him, quite rudely I might add.

You shoot her a dirty look.

"They don't just come out at night. I saw a cub this morning wandering right out there." He points out into the trees next to the road.

"Ok, well we have places to be and things to see. Thanks for the help!" Am goes to put the car in drive and you slap her hand. She looks up at you with daggers in her stare.

"Well, take care then." He goes to stand up and you spaz for a split second as his shirt rises just enough to expose skin and the top of his boxers.

"Please don't mind my friend, she is just a little snippy from the drive today. We have been on the road for 3 days. We are ready to be in a comfortable bed." You let the words run out of your mouth like word vomit. Immediately you throw your hand over your face to hide the flush.

"It's fine. Take it easy. I'll be on the lake tomorrow. Maybe I'll see you ladies there?" He runs his right hand through his hair and you have to control the squeak that tried to escape your mouth.

"Do you want us to close your gate on the way out?" You call after him as he was walking away.

"Nah, I've got people coming over, but thanks anyways." He turns back to walk toward his house as Amanda starts to drive away.

"Smooth Y/N." She shakes her head and lets out a sigh.

"What like you? Driving up some celebrities private drive?"

"I had no idea it was his driveway."

You could tell she was getting frustrated and you dropped the subject. The whole drive back down the hill and down the road to the cabin was silent. She could be mad all she wanted. As far as you were concerned, you could die a happy woman, being that close to one of your biggest celebrity crushes was like 'just take me now'!

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