R&R - Bucky

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The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the sprawling expanse of my family’s ranch. I had invited the Avengers for a weekend getaway, hoping to give them a break from their usual world-saving duties. As they arrived, I could see a mix of excitement and apprehension on their faces. This was going to be interesting.

“Welcome to my humble abode!” I called out, waving at the group. Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Thor, and Bucky Barnes stood by the entrance, taking in the rustic beauty of the ranch.

Tony raised an eyebrow, glancing around. “This is quite the setup you’ve got here. A far cry from Stark Tower.”

I chuckled. “Yeah, no high-tech gadgets here. Just good old-fashioned country living. Today, you’re going to learn how to ride horses.”

Bucky looked skeptical, crossing his arms over his chest. “Riding horses? Seriously?”

I nodded, grinning. “Seriously. It’s a lot of fun, and a good way to relax. Plus, it’s not every day you get to see superheroes on horseback.”

Thor clapped his hands together, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “This shall be a glorious adventure! Lead the way, my friend.”

We made our way to the stables, where the horses were waiting. I had selected gentle, well-trained horses for the first-time riders, but the Avengers’ enthusiasm (or lack thereof) was still a sight to behold.

“Alright, everyone,” I began, gesturing to the horses. “These are your rides for the day. I’ll pair you up with a horse that matches your personality.”

Tony smirked. “Does that mean I get the fastest one?”

“Not quite,” I said, pointing to a calm, chestnut mare. “This is Bella. She’s got a lot of spirit, just like you. But you have to earn her trust first.”

Tony shrugged, walking over to Bella. “Alright, Bella. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Steve was next. I paired him with a sturdy, reliable bay named Max. “Steve, meet Max. He’s steady and dependable, just like you.”

Steve patted Max’s neck, smiling. “Hey, Max. Looks like we’re going to be good friends.”

Natasha and Clint were paired with a pair of sleek, black horses named Shadow and Midnight. “These two are quick and agile, perfect for you both.”

Natasha nodded appreciatively, while Clint gave a thumbs-up. “Looks like we’re ready for action.”

Bruce looked a bit hesitant as I introduced him to a gentle, gray gelding named Silver. “Silver’s very calm, Bruce. He’ll take good care of you.”

Bruce gave a nervous smile. “Thanks. Let’s hope he doesn’t mind a little extra weight if the other guy decides to show up.”

Thor was eager to meet his horse, a powerful, white stallion named Thunder. “This magnificent beast shall be my steed!” he declared, patting Thunder’s neck.

Finally, I turned to Bucky, who was watching the proceedings with a mix of amusement and reluctance. “Bucky, this is Duke. He’s strong and resilient, just like you.”

Bucky raised an eyebrow but stepped forward to greet Duke. “Alright, big guy. Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Once everyone was introduced to their horses, I gave a quick tutorial on mounting and basic riding techniques. Surprisingly, they picked it up quickly, though there were a few funny moments.

Tony struggled a bit with the saddle. “How does this thing work again? Why can’t we just have hoverboards or something?”

Clint laughed, already sitting comfortably on Midnight. “Because, Tony, this is about connecting with nature. Plus, it’s way more fun.”

Thor, true to his nature, tried to mount Thunder with one big leap, but ended up almost toppling over. “Ah, it appears I must approach this with more care.”

Bucky seemed to be having the most trouble, though. Duke was patient, but Bucky’s metal arm kept startling him. “Easy, boy. It’s just a different kind of arm,” Bucky muttered, trying to soothe the horse.

After a few more minutes of adjustments and laughter, everyone was finally mounted and ready to go. We set off at a slow walk, the horses moving steadily across the open fields.

“This isn’t so bad,” Bruce said, looking more relaxed than I’d ever seen him. “Kind of peaceful, actually.”

Steve smiled, clearly enjoying himself. “Reminds me of the old days. We used to ride horses all the time back in Brooklyn.”

Natasha and Clint were having a mock race, urging Shadow and Midnight to go faster. “Come on, Clint! You’re losing!” Natasha called out, laughing.

Clint grinned, leaning forward in the saddle. “Not for long!”

Thor rode beside me, his usual exuberance tempered by a genuine appreciation for the experience. “This is truly magnificent. Thank you for inviting us here.”

I nodded, smiling. “It’s my pleasure. I thought you all could use a break from saving the world.”

As we continued our ride, the initial awkwardness faded, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and enjoyment. The Avengers, who were used to battling evil and facing danger, found a new kind of challenge in horseback riding—and they were having a blast.

At one point, Tony tried to show off by urging Bella into a faster trot, but ended up bouncing ungracefully in the saddle. “Whoa, easy there! How do you make this look so easy?” he called out to me.

I laughed, riding up beside him. “It just takes practice, Tony. You’ll get the hang of it.”

Bucky, who had finally managed to calm Duke, rode up next to Steve. “You know, this isn’t so bad. Duke’s a good horse.”

Steve nodded, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes. “I told you, Buck. Sometimes it’s nice to take a break and do something different.”

The day continued with more riding, a picnic lunch under a shady tree, and plenty of jokes and banter. The Avengers were starting to get the hang of riding, and their competitive spirits soon turned the afternoon into a friendly contest of skills.

“Alright, who can hit that tree branch with a pinecone while riding?” Clint challenged, picking up a pinecone and taking aim.

Natasha smirked. “You’re on.” She threw the pinecone, hitting the branch dead center.

“Show off,” Clint muttered, but he was smiling.

By the time the sun began to set, we were all tired but happy. We returned to the stables, dismounting and leading the horses back to their stalls.

“Thank you for today,” Bruce said, his face relaxed and content. “I really needed this.”

Tony nodded in agreement. “Yeah, who knew riding horses could be so… therapeutic?”

Thor clapped me on the back, nearly knocking me over. “Indeed, this was a glorious day! We must do this again.”

Bucky, who had been quiet for most of the day, gave me a small smile. “Thanks. It was… nice. A good change of pace.”

I smiled back, feeling a sense of accomplishment. “I’m glad you all enjoyed it. You’re welcome here anytime.”

As the Avengers headed back to their rooms, I couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to share a piece of my world with them. The ranch, with its open fields and gentle horses, had offered a much-needed respite from their hectic lives. And in turn, they had brought laughter, friendship, and a bit of adventure to mine.

It had been a day of learning, bonding, and above all, fun. And I knew it wouldn’t be the last time the Avengers would visit the ranch. After all, there were still plenty of adventures to be had—and plenty of horseback riding skills to master.

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