Snack Break?!

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The meeting room at Stark Tower was a blend of modern design and high-tech wizardry. A long, sleek table dominated the center, surrounded by plush chairs. Tony Stark stood at the head of the table, his fingers flying over a holographic display as he updated the latest mission stats. Steve Rogers sat attentively, his posture perfect as always, a notebook in front of him. Clint Barton, on the other hand, was reclining in his chair, looking slightly bored.

“Okay, so we’ve covered the intel on Hydra’s latest movements,” Tony said, turning to face Steve and Clint. “Any questions?”

Clint raised a hand lazily. “Yeah, I’ve got one. When are we breaking for snacks?”

Tony rolled his eyes. “Clint, this is important. Hydra doesn’t take snack breaks.”

“Maybe they should,” Clint shot back, grinning. “Might make them less grumpy.”

Steve hid a smile behind his hand. “Come on, Clint. Focus.”

“I’m focused,” Clint protested, leaning forward slightly. “I’m just saying, a man’s gotta eat.”

Tony sighed. “Fine. JARVIS, can you get Clint a snack?”

“Right away, sir,” JARVIS responded smoothly, and a few moments later, a small drone zipped into the room, dropping a bag of trail mix in front of Clint.

Clint grabbed the bag, giving Tony a mock salute. “Thanks, boss.”

“Don’t mention it,” Tony said dryly. “Now, back to Hydra. We’ve pinpointed their next likely target…”

Clint tore open the bag of trail mix and began munching loudly, causing Tony to pause and glare at him.

“Really?” Tony said. “Do you have to eat like a barbarian?”

“It’s part of my charm,” Clint replied with a mouthful of trail mix.

Steve finally let out a chuckle. “He’s got a point, Tony. It’s hard to stay grumpy at a guy who’s always eating.”

“Yeah, well, he’s lucky we’re friends,” Tony muttered, turning back to his display. “Okay, so Hydra’s likely target is a S.H.I.E.L.D. supply depot in Eastern Europe. Clint, you’re on recon.”

“Recon, got it,” Clint said, his tone suddenly more serious. “When do I leave?”

“As soon as possible,” Tony replied. “We need eyes on the ground, and you’re the best for the job.”

Clint nodded, the playful glint in his eyes giving way to a steely determination. “Consider it done.”

Tony moved on to other aspects of the mission, but the momentary break in tension had clearly helped. As the meeting progressed, Clint’s demeanor remained light, but he was fully engaged, asking pertinent questions and making insightful comments.

Just as Tony was wrapping up, Clint interrupted once again. “So, about that snack break…”

“Are you serious?” Tony exclaimed, throwing his hands up in exasperation.

“What? I’m a growing boy,” Clint said innocently.

Steve shook his head, chuckling. “I think you’ve grown enough, Clint.”

“Hey, a guy’s gotta maintain his energy levels,” Clint replied, winking at Steve.

“Maybe next time, we should have the meeting in the kitchen,” Tony suggested sarcastically.

“Not a bad idea,” Clint said, perking up. “We could have a buffet setup. Keep everyone happy and fed.”

“Sure, Clint,” Tony said, shaking his head. “Whatever it takes to keep you focused.”

As the meeting adjourned, Tony and Steve headed for the door, but Clint lingered behind, grabbing a few more handfuls of trail mix.

“Hey, Tony,” Clint called out, causing Tony to turn around. “Thanks for the snack. Really.”

Tony smirked. “Anytime, Barton. Just don’t expect room service on the mission.”

Clint gave a mock salute. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Stark.”

As the door closed behind them, Clint’s playful attitude returned. “So, Steve, about that buffet idea…”

Steve laughed, clapping Clint on the shoulder. “You never change, do you?”

“Not if I can help it,” Clint replied, grinning. “Not if I can help it.”

The three heroes walked down the hallway, banter echoing off the walls, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead—snacks included.

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