First Date - Steve

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It was a warm spring evening in Brooklyn, the sun setting behind the skyline as you stood outside your favorite café, nervously checking your phone. Tonight was the night you had a date with Steve Rogers, Captain America himself. Despite his hero status, you'd always known him as the kind, humble man who frequented the café where you worked. Over the months, you’d shared countless conversations about everything from history to your favorite books, and it seemed natural when he finally asked you out.

But tonight was different. Tonight was a date, and that thought alone sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach. You smoothed down your dress and took a deep breath, trying to steady your nerves. Just then, you saw Steve approaching, looking as handsome as ever in a crisp button-down shirt and jeans. Beside him, in a casual leather jacket, was Bucky Barnes.

“Hey,” Steve greeted you with a shy smile, his blue eyes bright. “Sorry we’re a little late. Bucky insisted on coming along for moral support.”

Bucky grinned, nudging Steve. “Just making sure my pal doesn’t chicken out.”

You laughed, feeling some of the tension ease away. “It’s nice to see you, Bucky. And don’t worry, Steve, you’ve got this.”

Steve blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “Thanks. I, uh, really appreciate you agreeing to go out with me.”

“It’s my pleasure,” you replied warmly. “Shall we go inside?”

The three of you entered the cozy café, the familiar scent of coffee and pastries wrapping around you like a comforting blanket. Bucky found a corner table, giving you and Steve some space while keeping a watchful eye.

Steve pulled out your chair, his old-fashioned manners making you smile. As you both sat down, he glanced around, clearly a little nervous.

“Do you come here often?” you asked, trying to break the ice.

Steve chuckled. “Well, I guess I do now. I didn’t know about this place until Bucky dragged me here one day. It’s nice. Relaxing.”

“I’m glad you like it,” you said. “I’ve worked here for a while. It’s kind of like my second home.”

Steve’s eyes lit up. “I can see why. It has a great atmosphere. And the coffee is top-notch.”

You both fell into an easy conversation, talking about everything from your favorite drinks to the latest movies. Steve’s initial nervousness seemed to fade as he opened up, sharing stories from his time in the army and his life in the modern world. You found yourself genuinely fascinated by his experiences and admired his humble nature.

After a while, Bucky wandered over, giving Steve a subtle thumbs-up behind your back.

“Mind if I join you for a bit?” Bucky asked, pulling up a chair without waiting for an answer.

“Of course not,” you said, laughing. “It’s nice having company.”

Bucky sat down, glancing at Steve. “So, how’s it going? You two hitting it off?”

Steve shot Bucky a look that clearly said “cut it out,” but you smiled.

“We’re having a great time,” you said. “Steve’s been telling me all about his adventures. It’s fascinating.”

Bucky leaned in, grinning. “Did he tell you about the time he got stuck in an elevator for two hours because he pressed the wrong button?”

Steve groaned, his face turning red. “Bucky, don’t.”

You laughed, picturing the scene. “No, he didn’t. But now I have to hear it.”

Bucky launched into the story, and despite his initial embarrassment, Steve soon joined in, laughing at himself. The three of you fell into a comfortable rhythm, the conversation flowing easily. You appreciated Bucky’s presence, sensing that he was there to help Steve feel more at ease.

After a while, Bucky stood up. “Well, I think I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone. I’ve got some errands to run.”

Steve gave Bucky a grateful look. “Thanks, Buck. I owe you one.”

Bucky winked at you. “Take care of him, alright? He’s a good guy.”

“I will,” you promised, smiling as Bucky left the café.

Steve turned back to you, his bashfulness returning. “I hope Bucky wasn’t too much.”

“Not at all,” you assured him. “He’s a great friend. And I had fun hearing those stories.”

Steve relaxed, his smile returning. “Good. I was worried he might embarrass me too much.”

You reached across the table, gently placing your hand on his. “You don’t have to worry about that. I like you just the way you are, Steve.”

His eyes softened, and he squeezed your hand. “I like you too. I’ve, uh, wanted to ask you out for a while now. I’m just not great at this whole dating thing.”

“You’re doing just fine,” you said warmly. “Honestly, I’m having a wonderful time.”

Steve’s smile widened, his confidence growing. “So am I. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

As the evening wore on, you and Steve continued to talk, sharing more about your lives and dreams. The initial nervousness had long since melted away, replaced by a genuine connection and a budding romance. By the time you left the café, the city lights twinkling around you, you knew that this was the start of something special.

Walking side by side, Steve hesitated for a moment before taking your hand in his. You looked up at him, your heart swelling with affection.

“Can I walk you home?” he asked softly.

“I’d like that,” you replied, your fingers intertwining with his.

As you strolled through the quiet streets, Steve glanced at you, his expression earnest. “I know this might be a bit forward, but… would you like to go out again sometime? Maybe without Bucky tagging along?”

You laughed, squeezing his hand. “I’d love to. I think we make a great team.”

Steve’s smile was radiant, his bashfulness giving way to genuine happiness. “I think so too.”

And with that, you walked into the night, hand in hand, ready to explore whatever the future held for you both.

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