Tahoe(JR) - PT3

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The next morning the two of you head out towards the lake for a day of sun, tan and fun.

"You can't possibly be mad at me still?" You look at your best friend with those puppy dog eyes you were so good at using to get your way.

"No. How could I stay mad at you? This is going to be the best day EVER!" As she pulls out onto the main road she floors the gas and speeds off down the road.

The closer you go to the lake the more giddy the two of you were getting. You had music blaring as the two of you pulled into the Jet Ski rental place.

"Oh, come on AM, don't be a chicken." You grab your sunglasses off the dash and step out in to the sun. The breeze was blowing pretty hard as you held your hands down to keep your beach wrap from flying up exposing your new two piece.

"I'm not getting on one of those death traps. You are crazy, but I will keep a spot for you while I work on my tan." She follows you over to the little building with the younger looking man behind a counter folding a towel. "He looks yummy, I'll take one of those to go!" She pulls down her sunglasses and whistles.

"Who him? He looks 12." You turn to her as she has stopped to look at herself in her phone camera. Primping and preening for some kid, rolling your eyes you walk over to the counter trying to get the guys attention.

"I'm 22, not 12, but how can I help you two?" He sets down the towel and walks over to the counter.

"Hi, I'm Amanda." She throws her hand over the counter meeting his as she runs her hand through her hair flipping it out of her face.

You roll your eyes again and pull out your wallet. "I want to rent one of those." You point to the row of Jet skis behind him.

You fill out the paperwork and grab the key about to step away and she grabs you by the arm. "Try not to kill yourself. I'd hate for this one to have to leave my side to go rescue you." She winks at you then turns back to continue the disgusting display of flirting.

"Yeah, yeah, hold this for me." You hand her your bag and walk over to the row of jet skis. Looking down at the key it was marked #4. You walk down the row until you see the one with a big black 4 on the side of it.

"Ok, you can do this Y/N." Giving yourself a pep talk you walk out into the water and climb up onto it. You never had water legs and boats were always a no-go for you.

You couldn't help but feel the nerves building and the agitation of your best friend leaving you for some sidepiece as young as your brother....YUCK! The emotions building makes you want to cry, but you promised yourself no crying on this trip. Turning the key you rev the engine and grip onto the handles as it jolts forward. Ok, this is going to be fun. You lay on the gas as you shoot out into the open water leaving a wake in your path.

You end up clearing the lake in no time and stop clear on the other side. Turning off the engine you sit there watching all of the other people on the lake having a good time. A small wake reaches you and shakes the Jet Ski a little harder than you expected.

"Oh, shit!" You grab the handle and turn the key on again. Taking a deep breath you push the throttle again, gripping tightly to the handles. Looking down for a split second you didn't see the other people on jet skis in your path. As you look up you turn sharply to the right and get thrown off the side.

Swimming up to the surface, looking around you saw your jet ski off the left just bobbing up and down. To the right there was someone swimming violently in your direction.

"Hey, are you ok?" He gets to you as the other two people that were with him come up behind and turn their jet skis off.

You wipe the water from your eyes as you try to focus on what just happened. "I'm ok, I think."

"Hey, its my stalker." The voice to the right of you catches your attention. You turn your eyes slightly to see whom the two where that had pulled up behind you. Your eyes land on him....again your wanted to die, but this time for the sheer embarrassment.

"Let me help you." The guy in the water had reached you and you gasped. Was it celebrity day at the lake? Your eyes met those baby blues and froze, making you sink under the waves.

You hear a splash as someone else had dived into the water. Two sets of arms pull you up holding your head above the water. Ok, I'm dead, I died in a crash and this is what heaven is right?

"Easy there, did you hit your head when you fell?" Chris was laughing, as Jeremy looked more concerned.

"Do you need a hospital? Or you good?" That deep voice almost made your eyes roll into the back of your head.

"I'm good, I think." Scanning the water in front of you your eyes land on your ride. "I'm good, I just need to get back to my friend."

The two of them help you over to your jet ski and help lift you up onto it. Chris swims back over to his as you feel a hand on your left leg.

"Are you sure you're good? That fall looked bad." His hand was warm on your leg even though the water was freezing.

"Uh, I think so." You turn the key and start the Jet Ski trying to flee away from being a total klutz.

"You should invite them over to the BBQ later JR." Chris was yelling over to him as he was spinning water doughnuts.

"Oh, you don't have to. I...I mean, you have better things to do that worry about some klutz who can't work this thing." You place your right hand over your face as you realize you had lost your sunglasses in the water. "SHIT!"

"What's wrong?" He looks up at you confused.

"I lost my Oakley's when I fell." Your face drops as you hang your head. What else could go wrong?

"Here." You look down in his direction and see him holding up his pair that he had on.

"Oh no, no, no, I couldn't..." You wave your hand in his direction.

"I insist! It was us that caused you to crash and loose your pair." He grabs the side of the Jet Ski and pulls himself up more out of the water holding them up to you.

"I guess." You let out a sigh knowing you're in for it when you see Amanda later. How are you going to explain this one? "Thanks!" You grab them and place them on your face. The butterflies in your stomach were trying to explode by this point and all you wanted to do was run away.

"Come on JR!" Chris calls out again.

You look down at him as he shakes his head while smiling and that all to familiar laugh comes from him.

"If you want, no pressure. Those two will make my life hell all day if I don't at least ask." He looks up at you smiling. "If anything, you can use it as a reason to return my glasses." He winks at you as he pushes away and starts swimming to his jet ski.

You sit there in shock, not able to move, not sure that the look on your face was even matching what you were feeling right now. You hear a motor come up behind you as you look to your right.

"I'm sure you know the way to my place?" He turns his head toward you and winks, and then he races off leaving you in the wake of the three jet skis speeding off. What do I tell Amanda now?

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