Tahoe(JR) - PT4

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You finally reach the Jet Ski rental place and shut the engine off leaving it bobbing there in the water next to one of the employees. You were sure that your face was red and you didn't want anyone to see it. Rounding the corner of the little building you could still see Amanda flirting with that kid behind the counter. She turns as she sees you walking past her in a hurry.

"Y/N? HEY! WAIT UP!" Her clumsy footsteps coming up behind you as she grabs your arm. "What's wrong? Why are you leaving?"

"I just made a complete ass of myself out there and I don't want to be see by anyone. I just want to go home." You run your fingers through your wet hair pushing it out of your face.

"Hey, wait a minute? Who's are those?" She points to the sunglasses on your face.

You reach up and pull them off looking at them again as the red becomes deeper and darker on your face. "UUUHHHGGGGG!" You stomp off to the car leaning on the passenger side door.

Amanda walks up to you and stands a mere foot away from you, placing her hands on the car on either side of you. "Y/N? I've been your best friend for years. We tell each other everything. Tell me what happened? Did you get hurt? I can see you're all wet." You stand back up turning your back to the water as she turns again to face you. You cross your arms looking down at the glasses in your right hand.

"You loved those Oakley's, I remember the day you called me and said that your dad had bought them for you for your birthday. I've never seen you without them and I've tried to get you to replace them, but you all of a sudden trade them on a random lake trip?"

"They aren't mine! And I didn't trade them; I lost mine when I crashed my Jet Ski. Well, not crashed, I fell off." You couldn't look up at her because you were so embarrassed.

"So, who's are they? Did you fish to the bottom of th-" You look up as she cuts her words short. She was looking behind you and had lost all color in her face. Her right hand covers her mouth as a very loud squeal comes out of it. "OH MY GOD!"

She grabs your head and turns it to where she is looking. You could see Chris and Jeremy with the third guy who you didn't recognize walking over to the building to return their keys. She was acting like a schoolgirl who was seeing her first crush in person for the first time.

"Calm down, you are embarrassing me." You elbow her in the side as she doubles over then gets back up to continue drooling. "If you would just calm down I could tell you what happened."

Chris looks up in your direction and waves before turning to the kid behind the counter.

"Did he just wave at you?" She grabs you by the arms turning you to look at her. "SPILL NOW!"

You start to tell her all that happened and when you get to the part about your sunglasses she squeaks an inhuman noise that makes everyone in 20 yards turn and look at the two of you.

"So those are 'HIS' glasses? Girl you really do look like a stalker now." She hugs you tightly as there were footsteps approaching you.


She pulls away and her arms drop, as does her mouth.

"I see you have found your friend, did you tell her the news?" Chris was flashing that amazing smile down at you two. She was melting into a puddle next to you. Your eyes trace past him and land on Jeremy behind him talking to the other guy. He was pointing to something on his phone then looks up and meets your eyes. You quickly look away knowing the red was rushing all over your face.

"So what do you think? You two ladies want to come over for the BBQ?" Chris was laughing and smiling at Amanda and she was just standing there with her mouth open.

You wrap your arm around her shoulders and look up at him. "We would love to. What time?" You gently shake her to try and get her out of her trance.

"Uh, J? What time works for you?" He turns to the two guys behind him.

"3? I guess. We have to go into town for some things then head back up to the house." That deep voice sent a chill down your spine and lit a fire in the pit of your stomach. You didn't notice but the thin material of your bathing suit wasn't hiding the fact that you had headlights now.

"See you ladies there." Chris walks past you two as Amanda turns to watch, then whispers to me. "That is America's Ass!"

"Shut up!" You whisper back to her.

The other two go to step away and you reach out your hand that has the glasses in them. "Oh, here."

"Nah, keep 'em." He walks past you flashing that smile and laughing as your face now matched your friends, mouth open with shock.

They climb into the Jeep and speed off down the road. You feel yourself being pushed into the side of her car. Looking up at her she had a death stare.

"Are you going to tell me you were invited to a BBQ with McDreamy over there and that wasn't the first thing you were going to tell me when you saw me next?"

"We." You look back at the road they just left on.

"We what?" She pulls your face back to look at her.

"We were invited. Not just me." You shrug her arms off of you and turn to open the car door.

"So, what now?" She takes a step back crossing her arms. "You have old man's glasses and I have just checked meeting Cap off my bucket list."

"We go home and get cleaned up and changed. And don't call him old. He only has 14 years on me." You sit down in the car as she walks around the front giving you the eye see you hand gesture.

"Well you have a few years on me too." She laughs as she turns the key and pulls out of the parking lot heading down the road.

"I don't even know if I have anything to wear." She was spazing for no reason making you roll your eyes.

You place the sunglasses back on your face as she prattles on and on the whole way back to the cabin.

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