The Nest - CB

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Clint had been having a hard time sleeping the past few days. You would wake up in the middle of the night and the other side of the bed would be empty. You had gotten used to this, but you missed the warmth and security of him lying next to you. After three nights of waking up at two AM you decided to go see what he was up to.

Walking down the hallway it was eerily quiet. The whole compound was never this quiet, or maybe you just never noticed because you were never up this late. You decide to go get yourself a drink from the kitchen and maybe you could find him there.

You walk into the kitchen and grab a bottle of water but you hear a familiar snore from the walkway above you. Looking up you see a stack of couch pillows built up like a fort in the corner. Walking over to them you hear the sound getting louder.

"Clint?" You call out.

There was a stirring and the snores got quieter. You walk up the stairs to the walkway and try to tip toe down to the corner. As you got closer you could see Clint leaning against the wall surrounded by pillows with his head laid back.

"Clint? Babe?" You whispered to him but still nothing.

Climbing over the edge of this couch pillow fortress you finally get a hand on his chest. He snaps awake and grabs your hand. As he realizes its you his face softens and a slight smile slips over his lips.

"What are you doing up here?" You curl up into his side and lean back against the wall.

"I don't know. I just can't sleep. When I get like this I seem to end up here." He leans his head down and kisses your forehead.

"So essentially you make yourself a nest?" You giggle as he squeezes you with his arm.

"Hey, whatever works right?" He chuckles as he pulls you closer to him.

"A little on the nose there Hawkeye." You reach up and boop his nose.

"But it's better when you're in my nest." He places a finger under your chin pulling your head up to look at him. He leans down and kisses you gently on the lips.

"You are too cute. My big softy." You lean your head down into his chest and breath out a sigh of contentment.

"Only for you babe." He wraps both arms around you as he lays his head back slipping into a peaceful sleep.

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