Tahoe(JR) - PT6

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As you walk out onto the back porch he escorts you to one of the open chairs over by the back railing. You take a seat and notice you were sitting next to Chris with Amanda on his other side. You lean back in the chair and cross your legs trying to make yourself look more comfortable than you were.

"Hey, Y/N, Where did you go?" Amanda leans forward to get a better view of you giving you her look of 'Don't embarrass me'.

"Nowhere." You pull out your phone checking your social media trying to keep yourself entertained.

Jeremy walks back over to you with a plate of food and takes the seat to your right. Everyone is eating and drinking, talking and you just sit there staring at the plate of food in your lap.

"Are you not hungry? After that mess earlier I would have figured you would be starving. I'm always hungry after playing out on the water." Chris had turned to you and was smiling at you while eating his food.

You could see behind him Amanda was staring daggers at you.

"Oh, yeah I am. Is there something I could get to drink?" You look around trying to get eyes off of you.

"Sure." He goes to get back up but sits back down nodding to Jeremy behind you. You notice out of your peripheral vision that he had already gotten up and was about to walk inside.

"Yeah come here." He steps inside the back door as you set your plate down and follow him inside.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize there would be so many people here. Taylor has a way of over inviting people sometimes." He was grabbing a water out of the fridge and hands you one.

"That's ok, I just don't feel like I should be here. I'm sorry. Amanda would have killed me if I didn't let her come." You hang your head trying not to blush. "She is a huge Captain America fan." You chuckle trying to keep the subject off of you.

"Yeah, I can see that." He laughs taking a step closer to you. "I'm glad you came. Just give it an hour or so. Taylor and his 'posse' are leaving soon anyways."

"Oh, we don't want to overstay the welcome either." You open the water and take a sip once again doing anything to hide the red rushing over your cheeks.

"Trust me, they would before you would." He pats your shoulder as he walks back out to the porch.

You stand there frozen, once again this man has touched you, you felt like the butterflies in your stomach were in the middle of a hurricane. Taking a deep breath you walk out to the porch and start to eat your food.

A couple hours go by with everyone talking about the new projects they are working on while Amanda was doing her damndest to keep Chris's attention. Most of the guests were starting to trickle out. Finally Taylor was saying his goodbyes. Jeremy walked with him to the front porch, leaving you there with your lovesick friend.

You pull out your phone and start to text your mom. She wouldn't believe you if you told her where you were. Lost in your phone you didn't notice that Amanda and Chris had walked into the house leaving you there by yourself. You look up after a few minutes and notice you were alone. You decide to walk around to the front porch to stretch your legs. Your eyes land on Jeremy sitting on the steps. He was doing something on his phone smoking a cigarette.

"Hey, sorry to interrupt, but I've been bailed on. Typical of Amanda." You lean against the railing at the top of the stairs.

He chuckles and scoots over tapping the stair next to where he was seated. You step down and sit next to him, trying to keep a bit of distance. You pull down your dress as a chill whips through your hair making you shiver.

"Not used to the cold at night huh?" He turns to you with a smile.

"No way! Its still 85 degrees and humid at night back home." You pull your knees up into you trying to keep what body warmth you had left with you.

"Come on inside I'll light a fire if Chris hasn't yet." He stands up holding out his hand to you.

Once again you stare at his hand reached out to you. You sigh as you say 'Fuck it' to yourself and take his hand following him inside.

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