What's A Dab? - BB

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"No, No, No, you aren't doing it right!" You could hear Peter's voice as you were walking down the hall into the kitchen.

You had been training hard for this new mission and had little time for fun and games let alone the other kind of fun. Natasha had you on a strict training schedule, and it was kicking your ass.

"Try it like this." Peter was talking to someone and you knew that you had no patience for his shenanigans right now.

"Uuuhhgg!" You could hear Bucky's grunting coming from the same direction as where Peter was. "It's no use. I just can't do it."

You walk down the hall into the common room and see Peter trying to teach Bucky what looked like some new dance moves. You lean against the wall and watch Bucky fumbling around and a light giggle came from you making them turn to look at you.

"Y/N!" Peter rushes over to you when he notices you standing there. "How was your beat down with the widow?" He squeezes you hard in a hug.

"Same old same old." You look over his shoulder and make eye contact with Bucky. He hangs his head trying to hide the blushing on his face. "Hey baby, what is the child trying to teach you now?"

Peter lets you go and rushes back over to him and starts bouncing around like a toddler on a sugar high. "I'm trying to get Bucky to learn how to dab!"

"To what?" You walk over to the two of them as Peter demonstrates. "Ooooh, well that's not too hard." You look over at Bucky as he runs his right hand through his hair then down the back of his neck.

"Maybe, but this old man doesn't get the new trends these young kids come up with." He steps over to you and pulls you into a hug. Pulling back slightly he places his right index finger under your chin as he pulls your chin up to look at him. He leans down and presses his lips against yours. You wrap your arms around his neck as you deepen the kiss.

"Ewww, get a room!" Peter shouts as he covers his eyes while laughing.

Bucky pulls away from you and turns towards him and lightly punches him in the arm. "Don't be a punk!" That cheesy smile creeps up on Bucky's face and all three of you bust out laughing.

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