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[ ??'s pov ] 


"you're not going anywhere." i say, fear visible on her face.

notherless her fear, she still speaks up, "yes, i am, im going home bunny boy. bye," she bows slightly before spinning back around.

im gonna be in so much trouble. 

i quickly pull a bottle and cloth out my pocket and dab the liquid from inside on the bottle onto the cloth, and stuff the bottle in my pocket. i then speed walk towards the girl, who doesn't seem in such a rush, and wrap the cloth around her head, pressing the wet spot on her nose and mouth. 

"sorry in advance," i say, and the girl starts muffling words i cant make out through the cloth.

- (time skip -

"soobin, i swear to sour cream, boss is gonna kill you." beomgyu says, stuffing a taco into his face.

"thanks for clarifying that, beomgyu. and would you stop calling him boss? it makes him sound old." i say, rubbing my temples.

"he is old!" beomgyu shouts.

"beomgyu, he's younger than you." i look at him with disappointment.

beomgyu rolls his eyes, swallowing a bite of his taco, "whatever, he can be younger than me but he looks like an old man." 

"now imagine if he heard this conversation." i state. beomgyu immediately stops chewing his taco.

"that's fine, i like the basement anyways." beomgyu mumbles, taco stuffed on both sides of his cheeks. i roll my eyes and focus on what im going to do with the girl.

"do you even know her name?" beomgyu asks. i look at beomgyu, giving him a you really thought i asked a girl for her name before kidnapping her? look.

"you could've just said no.." beomgyu loos away, halfway terrified, and halfway entertained.


"soobin!" i hear a voice yell. oh gosh.

"leave me alone!" i groan. 

yeonjun walks into the kitchen with me and beomgyu. "i heard you kidnapped a girl," yeonjun winks. 

"shut up, it's only because i showed my face and she saw." i mumble.

"did you go out without your mask again?" 


"soobin! you know what he said! your gonna get us caught! skz cant know our alleyway territory!" yeonjun scolds. 

"yeonjun.. arent you the reason we're in this alleyway? arent you also the reason that we have to wear face masks? didnt you also get us kicked out of the mansion?" i say, looking at him.

"that's completely different!" yeonjun whines.

"whatever," i mumble, rolling my eyes. i continue my thoughts on what's gonna happen since i kidnapped some girl. 

"how'd she see your face anyways?" hueningkai asks, suddenly appearing.

"where did you even?-" 

"soobin i was here the whole time, now, answer my question." huening sarcastically states. 

i let out a sigh before speaking, "she flashed her phone flashlight at my face." as soon as the words escape my mouth, beomgyu snorts a laugh out. 

"she what?" yeonjun manages to say in between laughs. i hear hueningkais laugh, and glare at him. and then yeojun again.

"im so done with you guys. im going through a crisis here." i mention, speaking up so they could hear me through their laugh attacks. 

beomgyu clears his throat and says, "well just throw her out somewhere."

"beomgyu are you slow? shes still gonna know what my face looks like." i glare at him again.

"its not like she knows you're in a gang though." beomgyu adds.

"actually, she does. looks like soobins hostage is awake." kai says, pointing to the girl, who has her eyes open, just observing us. she has duct tape tied to her mouth, and her hands are tied together. my head turns in her direction and she spots me. immediately her eyes narrow. she starts speaking, but the duct tape muffles what trying to come out her mouth.

me and the rest of the gang exchange looks. im doomed. i think to myself. "what's all that noise down there?!" a voice yells from upstairs, and the members snap their heads towards me. the girl silences her muffles, and i start hearing the footsteps coming downstairs. i make eye contact with yeonjun who's laughing silently, that is until he walks into the kitchen with us. 

"i said what's all the noise down here?" 

"it was soobin." beomgyu blurts to our boss.

"what was soobin?"

huening kai points to the girl on the couch, "that." taehyuns head turns where kai was pointing, and then looks at me. 

"care to explain, soobin?"


(a/n im enjoying writing this books to much.

vote or eat live mealworms)

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